The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Native Americans have a 15,000+ year old claim to this land.
They fought and killed and enslaved each other for millennia. No better than us. Just didn’t have the technology to stop us. It sucks what happened to them but it was inevitable. Don’t make em out to be Saints. Besides they got casinos now. Lol


Well-Known Member

They were primitive and doomed to the progress of civilization. Apples and oranges

They fought and killed and enslaved each other for millennia. No better than us. Just didn’t have the technology to stop us. It sucks what happened to them but it was inevitable. Don’t make em out to be Saints. Besides they got casinos now. Lol
What comes around, goes around. Aka Karma. And yet cuckservatives like you can't see what the future holds for Amerikka. Lol

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
What a *! You don’t know me, yet you label me. Move to another country if it’s so bad here! They’d eat you alive cupcakes
America is in trouble I agree, because of jackasses like you!!! Pull your head out of your ass, and recognize that this country is the greatest country the world has ever seen. Name one better. I’m waiting.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member