The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
how MSM doing these days LOL

their criticisms of america which are true are useful to russia. russia can try to kill them in america. theyre not taking orders u nit.

i listen to mike papantonio, chris hedges. used to watch abby martin, and keiser report and boom bust. jesse ventura and larry king used to have shows on RT too. get over it.

Rest assured that RT in America is under the direct control of the Russian government. If they say the wrong things their bosses in Russia will be jailed or killed.

:censored2: the Russians. :censored2: RT. You lose, comrade. Your ideology is trash and it shows. You're done.


Well-Known Member
Rest assured that RT in America is under the direct control of the Russian government. If they say the wrong things their bosses in Russia will be jailed or killed.

:censored2: the Russians. :censored2: RT. You lose, comrade. Your ideology is trash and it shows. You're done.
no they hire guys who honestly cover the bad things (of which theres no shortage of LOL) happening in america

yourrrr problem is you dont have any perspective bc u are afraid. if you werent afraid you would have some perspective. funny how that works

MSM has their own inferior news system which guys like almighty chomsky have famously written books about. and ive watched it and i have that perspective which poor boxox is missing.


Well-Known Member
Rest assured that RT in America is under the direct control of the Russian government. If they say the wrong things their bosses in Russia will be jailed or killed.

:censored2: the Russians. :censored2: RT. You lose, comrade. Your ideology is trash and it shows. You're done.
youre just totally clueless. look at your voting record. its an friend and u know it. theyve all been do nothing politicians.


Well-Known Member
youre just totally clueless. look at your voting record. its an friend and u know it. theyve all been do nothing politicians.
i have a proven track record. i warned about pandemics before covid. my guys predicted someone like trump 10 years ago on the back of their books. i said there was no russian trump collusion and i was right. that was a 4 year fake news story.

rickyb 2030

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
youre just totally clueless. look at your voting record. its an friend and u know it. theyve all been do nothing politicians.

Keep sucking hard while your favorite authoritarian dictator continues to carry out his invasion of Ukraine in order to establish one man rule over them you dork.


Strength through joy
Now there's a thought....covid.
Will a new variant come out of this conflict ?
I haven't seen one photo of the troops ( or either side ) wearing face coverings.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

This tactic was used by Russia in the 1930's.
They did not publish any route maps of the country, thus confusing the Germans when they invaded.

You would think that these Russian tanks would have some form of GPS, maybe these tech savvy Ukrainians will be able to hack into their systems and have them drive off a cliff....👺


Well-Known Member
Your political future was a slim shot before the Ukraine invasion and is completely out of the question now. Maybe it's time for you to move to Russia or China. Sorry, comrade.
I will protest the canadian govt and donate to american communists u filthy animal abuser

youre welcome

rickyb 2050-infinity


Strength through joy
You would think that these Russian tanks would have some form of GPS, maybe these tech savvy Ukrainians will be able to hack into their systems and have them drive off a cliff....👺
The Russian tanks are built with no frills.
Their command structure does not want the troops to think for themselves.


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member

Larry Wilkerson

Eastern oblast. Probably, if I were him anyway, militarily, I’m speaking now, I would carve out a 50 kilometer wide charter down to Odesa. Odesa is a more important Port than any Port in Crimea. That’s what Russia’s Navy and Russia’s military, in general, is probably salivating over.

So why does that affect the security of the United States? It’s a fundamental question. Ukraine was in the Soviet Union for 70 freaking years during the Cold War, and they did not threaten the United States of America. Nor did they threaten NATO. Russia did. Moscow did. In fact, the nuclear weapons in Ukraine could not have been shot by anyone in Kyiv or anywhere else in Ukraine. The codes and the firing commands came from Moscow. Ukraine is not a threat now to the United States.

So why are we even paying any attention to this? Well, the reason is, as I learned last night as I watched on Ari Melber’s 6:00 P.M. show on MSNBC. Listen to all these pontificators, pontificate. The reason is, get this now; we have found the issue that has brought bi-partisanship back to the Congress of the United States. War! Rumours of war bring bi-partisanship back to the Congress of the United States. Are you falling over in shock yet?

This is what we’re all about today. We are a national security state. We are a military-industrial complex supporting that State. And that’s how you bring Americans, sad to say, and their congressional leaders together. It’s through rumours of war and threats of war. One of the things I wanted to ask all those commentators last night who were advocating for the United States to take maximum action was, where’s your rifle and bayonet? And when will you be in the front lines, you son of a bitch.

Paul Jay

The profit-making of all the military-industrial complexes— and I have to say you’re completely right as an American to focus on the American military-industrial complex, which is certainly driving this. It’s more than driving this. The government in Ukraine, this lineage of this government, really began in 2014 in a coup, more or less orchestrated by the United States. Biden himself actually had a hand in what happened in the coup and the events afterwards. And when Putin talks about the de-Nazification of Ukraine, American media kind of ridicules him when he says that. But it’s actually very true. There were a lot of Nazis in that regime.

Larry Wilkerson

That’s very true. The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] was funnelling arms, training and helping those neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Just like they have done to people like them all over the globe. Just like they did in Venezuela. Just like they did in Syria. Just like they were doing in Iraq. The CIA doesn’t care if you’re a neo-Nazi. They’re going to fund you if you’re on their side for a moment or two. That’s the way they do things. They were actually working with Al Qaeda in Syria. Working with Al Qaeda! We actually had a firefight in Syria where the military was shooting at what they thought was Al Qaeda. They had to cease and desist because they were shooting at the CIA, helping Al Qaeda. That’s how dastardly we do things in the world today.

The hypocrisy here, you didn’t even touch it, Paul. You didn’t even touch it. We have gone to war in Iraq. We have gone to war in Syria. We have gone to war in Libya. We have stayed in Afghanistan well beyond our writ. We tried to overthrow [Nicolás] Maduro in Venezuela and Hugo Chavez before him. We have had an embargo for 60 years now on Cuba. We violate international law at our will. It’s almost a daily thing now. So if you want to look at some hypocrites, the hypocrites live in Washington.



Well-Known Member

Larry Wilkerson

I think you’re right about most of them in the easternmost oblast. I think it’s a toss-up in the other oblast, but it’s a majority of Russian speakers and people with Russian affinity. Were Putin to say, as I just said, if this truly is a transient event, we shouldn’t pay much attention to— if he’s going to do what he said he’s going to do and just solidify his control there and then stop, then we’ve got a whole different situation. We need to spin out whatever comes out of that into talks on more important things, things that are serious threats, like nuclear weapons, like the climate crisis.

We need to start talking about some very serious issues in this world that only Russia, especially with regards to nuclear weapons because she’s the largest holder of nuclear weapons in the world outside of us (about 8 to 9000 apiece now). China, for example, has 3 or 400. No one comes close to Russia. No one comes close to us. This is a real existential threat that we’re looking at. This new lease on life that nuclear weapons have, largely because we’ve destroyed the ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty] Treaty, the INF [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty] treaty, and the Open Skies Treaty. You name the treaty that was good for nuclear arms control, and we’ve destroyed it. We almost destroyed, under [Donald] Trump, New Start. Thank God we didn’t do that, and we didn’t go all the way. We still have that. And thank God Putin was willing to do it. Those are the serious issues that really threaten American security. We need to get out of this focus on these transient events and get into the real issues.

Paul Jay

But that’s not where the money is.

Larry Wilkerson

No, you’re right. You’ve got to keep rumors of war and war to keep Lockheed Martin, Grumman, Boeing, United Technologies, all these people feasting on the monstrous cash that comes from war. I look back on Halliburton and my two real close experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. Halliburton made $44 billion off Iraq and Afghanistan. I think Pfizer only made $26 billion off its COVID vaccine.
