The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Ukraine is a fail. The ability of the great Red Army is now laughable on the world stage.
The only way Russia can come out of this is to put it all on Putin, kill him to prove that they are sorry it all happened, and help Ukraine rebuild.
If they don’t, they will be at least two generations getting back to any kind of relevance or reputation in the world.
Incorrect, all the west did was unite russia and China because sometime in the near future China is taking over Taiwan and those same idiot European allies are not going to help us fight them but gas where that sanctioned oil will be going still to Europe and china


Well-Known Member
Where are the missiles that so threaten Russia? That they have guns, tanks, helicopters, etc isn't a threat. That's defense. Where are the troops massed on Russia's border? The only player being aggressive in this entire farce is Russia. Exactly why there's a NATO.
Its like cuba missile crisis but now on russian border

Its a hostile military alliance



Well-Known Member
This is agree to disagree material.
But when someone is sitting there acting like america and NATO brought this on and Putin is semi justified in his war crimes in Ukraine, that person is an absolute idiot and clown. Deserve to be mocked and talked down to.
America did cause putin to invade

end nato


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Incorrect, all the west did was unite russia and China because sometime in the near future China is taking over Taiwan and those same idiot European allies are not going to help us fight them but gas where that sanctioned oil will be going still to Europe and china
Ukraine is a lesson for China. It will not go well.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Because russia is taking it over, it is only a matter of time, their stargery isn't complicated, grant did the same thing when he encircled Petersburg VA and starved the confederate capital
Won’t happen.
The world is stepping up to the plate.
Leading from behind takes longer.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
And on top of that are own u.s government is killing the dollar has the world goes away from the u.s petro dollar

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You bookmark it, Kiev is about encircled, they have already took over 2 big cities and Europe is still buying Russian gas

You got it.

-Russia doesn’t have the forces necessary for Kiev’s encirclement.

-Russia’s armor and supply lines still aren’t being given the infantry support needed to keep them from being popped by the western weapons that continue to flood into Ukraine.

-Russia still doesn’t have air superiority.

-Russia’s military tactics in Ukraine are straight out of an early 20th century Soviet playbook.