The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

El Correcto

god is dead
Even the :censored2: bags Putin has in check for now have self interest. Greedy little pusillanimous don’t like the idea of dying in a nuclear Holocaust. Thankfully they are godless people given into the temptations of this world and human nature. They don’t want to die or they wouldn’t suffer Putin for as long as they have. Putin would be dead if this was heading for a nuclear Holocaust.

You should be much more concerned about the naive leftists of the west funneling millions if not billions to the radical Muslims in Iran. Those people are a concern when it comes to nuclear weapons and should be crushed not funded in anyway. Allah is only a button press away and so is his judgement of the infidels, that’s a rather unsettling thought for future generations to have to deal with.


Well-Known Member
You people truly think the American military can’t win wars,

The unwillingness or inability to hold a 'win' is a de-facto loss.

That is the real problem.

You should be much more concerned about the naive leftists of the west

I used to think the left was naive. But due to the events of the past few years, I reasoned that it is impossible for sooo many people to be that same kind of stupid.

There is adequate reason to believe that a very large percentage of western leftists are deliberately evil.

El Correcto

god is dead
There is adequate reason to believe that a very large percentage of western leftists are deliberately evil.
It’s important to have an open mind built on solid foundation of beliefs about human nature and reality. The left are just idiots who are starting with a warped view, mainly on human nature, that they are completely wrong about. Anything built on that foundation will be exposed and crumble once reality comes crashing in.

They are mostly good hearted useful idiots, it’s the only reason I can really bare to see them or live with one. There are definitely bad faith actors who recognize this and take advantage of these people though. Fill their heads with lies and reinforce the crumbling society built on them.

El Correcto

god is dead
A good foundational belief to add to the right winger’s in this forum is that the Russians have been genocidal liars for going on a hundred years now. The suffering that has been inflicted on mankind by the Russians is only surpassed by Mao, Genghis Khan or perhaps Hitler if he wasn’t stopped so soon into his brutal reign.

You cannot trust their government or anything their government allows to be spoken. The good journalists or the ones that don’t agree with them are dead or in gulags. The rest are propagandists or useful idiot leftists that are dismissed the second they quit being useful and become a problem.


Well-Known Member
No one who managed to get into a position of high office outside the Muslims is suicidal enough to instigate a war with america or nato.
Putin doesn’t have the balls for it, it’s why Russians are already threatening with their nukes, which they also don’t have the balls for.
You people truly think the American military can’t win wars, that Afghanistan wasn’t a won war. You’re silly people. Not only did American military topple Afghanistan and hold it/could of held it indefinitely, they toppled multiple others just for trying to bluff them or looking at them wrong or because it was a day ending in Y and they were :censored2: heads to begin with.
They are bluffing but democrats are too pusillanimous to call them on it. Don’t be like the democrats.
other countries will use nukes has almost happened many times


Well-Known Member
It’s important to have an open mind built on solid foundation of beliefs about human nature and reality. The left are just idiots who are starting with a warped view, mainly on human nature, that they are completely wrong about. Anything built on that foundation will be exposed and crumble once reality comes crashing in.

They are mostly good hearted useful idiots, it’s the only reason I can really bare to see them or live with one. There are definitely bad faith actors who recognize this and take advantage of these people though. Fill their heads with lies and reinforce the crumbling society built on them.
and yet you defend concentrated power...

so much for solid beliefs


Well-Known Member
A good foundational belief to add to the right winger’s in this forum is that the Russians have been genocidal liars for going on a hundred years now. The suffering that has been inflicted on mankind by the Russians is only surpassed by Mao, Genghis Khan or perhaps Hitler if he wasn’t stopped so soon into his brutal reign.

You cannot trust their government or anything their government allows to be spoken. The good journalists or the ones that don’t agree with them are dead or in gulags. The rest are propagandists or useful idiot leftists that are dismissed the second they quit being useful and become a problem.
russians dont want to be invaded again, one of the times you mentioned being hitler.

no nato invasion / expansion


Well-Known Member
This war is existential for the Russians.
Putin said it himself. He said this is for a future of our children. We have backed a nuclear power into a corner.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This war is existential for the Russians.
Putin said it himself. He said this is for a future of our children. We have backed a nuclear power into a corner.

Ukraine is the side fighting for its children in this. Putin is continuing the invasion only for himself. You can see it clearly in the morale of soldiers on both sides.


Well-Known Member
It's been widely reported that Russian conscripts are experiencing supply issues(even basics like food). They were told to pack dress uniforms in anticipation of a quick victory and a parade. They can't be happy.
Yes, that has been widely reported.

Do I need to list the dozens of other widely reported things that were completely made up?


Inordinately Right
It's been widely reported that Russian conscripts are experiencing supply issues(even basics like food). They were told to pack dress uniforms in anticipation of a quick victory and a parade. They can't be happy.
It's amazing how susceptible you people on the left are to propaganda and misinformation.


Strength through joy
If Putin loses any more equipment, other major players might think that it would be a good time to advance their own options.
Could Russia fight survive an other war front ?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If Putin loses any more equipment, other major players might think that it would be a good time to advance their own options.
Could Russia fight survive an other war front ?

What sort of play are we talking about here and why would it happen? Russia has nukes that it would use if attacked.

El Correcto

god is dead
What sort of play are we talking about here and why would it happen? Russia has nukes that it would use if attacked.

This is the proper way to handle nuclear threats from second rate countries that are biting off more than they can chew.

El Correcto

god is dead
You have to reinforce mutually assured destruction. You cannot run from it or blink in this stand off, there is no room for weakness when other countries play that card to advance their agendas.

El Correcto

god is dead
To me this seems to have always been Putin’s plan. To hold the west hostage with nukes. Seeing as how Donald Trump wouldn’t blink at nuclear threats I believe he held off on it.


Well-Known Member
If Pope Francis truly consecrates Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with all of the bishops of the world, things are going to change drastically.