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We have always had SurePost, but continue to take it to the Post Office buy choice.I heard it’s going to take a year or two but sundays is coming because we are getting sure post back and only way to get t back is going Sunday’s. Ask your self, why they haven’t said one thing on the schedule for 22.4s.
See, what is really happening is what I predicted for years and years.
SurePost or whatever they called it in the beginning (drawing a blank), was designed to keep us from driving 8 miles down Nine Mile Rd, for a $3 package, when the mailman was going there anyway.
It was a symbiotic relationship that made sense in a rural setting.
UPS, in their typical knee jerk, exploit it to the fullest in every way fashion, let SurePost evolve into what it is today, a short term, profit driven, cost cutting initiative, designed to satisfy the instant gratification mindset of the New York Stock Exchange.
Anybody who remembers or cares to go back in the archives of this site, knows I have deemed this initiative as "short sighted".
We all know UPS caters to commercial stops over residential, and for good reason, up until now.
Commercial stops tend to receive multiple pieces, with each piece after the first exponentially more profitable than the first, the first absorbing much of the cost for the service.
Residential stops tended to be single parcel deliveries historically, but not anymore.
We all know the house that used to get 1 or two packages a week, now get 2 or 3 a day.....and that trend will do nothing but grow in the residential market going forward.
It has always been my contention that this was a gross over site by UPS, who had they embraced those packages at a smaller margin from the beginning, could have grown their infrastructure and staffing to absorb the huge ebs and flows that plague our system now, positioning us for tomorrow, while eliminating competitors.
Instead we are now chasing market share, instead of dominating it.
You need to look no further than to Amazon's business model to validate my assertion.
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