Well-Known Member
As a near 30 year employee of ups I can honestly say that that we have entered a very scary time at the Seattle hub.
Last week was a horror show of missed packages coming back with drivers, center mangers quitting, re-handle trailers getting re-handled, and a general sense of there's no way to get caught up at this point.
I don't know what's going to happen this week but at this point I don't see how this isn't going to become a national story.
The perfect storm so it seems... not enough drivers, all experienced management gone, nobody seems to have any answers on how this can turn around.

....God help us. I'm afraid ups will be something very different in the near future.

It almost feels set up with contract time and amazon's threat years ago when we dropped the ball on last min Christmas deliveries.
I hear someone actually found a nda letter addressed to Bezos in a pile of missed the other day.
Yesterday was my first saturday and when I left after 16 straight hours it seriously looked like a storm had swept through.
You forget when PAS was emplimented?


The last three I’ve had were interesting. One from China who was half Turkish. One from Turkey and one from Egypt.

I had one once who smelled like he :censored2: his pants

Went about 2 blocks took him back where I found him told him not to come back until he takes a shower

Got a young go getter after that

Stinky ass (his nickname) got to go with somebody across town