
Well-Known Member
All I know is we have more freight on our trucks than any other carrier out on the street.... we are working more/later hours than any other carrier out on the street.... I am almost positive that we as a company have more accidents and injuries than any other company out on the street. We do more stops, we pick up more, we get harassed as a workgroup more than any other delivery company out on the street... and we take it, and take it, and take it.... when are we as a workgroup going to finally say I’ve had enough and things need to change!!!! When will the union start backing us in this change!???
All I know is we have more freight on our trucks than any other carrier out on the street.... we are working more/later hours than any other carrier out on the street.... I am almost positive that we as a company have more accidents and injuries than any other company out on the street. We do more stops, we pick up more, we get harassed as a workgroup more than any other delivery company out on the street... and we take it, and take it, and take it.... when are we as a workgroup going to finally say I’ve had enough and things need to change!!!! When will the union start backing us in this change!???
They won't back us


Well-Known Member
Positive. I've lived both sides of it.
You think you will get away with things when you have upper mgt running around a building trying to claw their way up the food chain... hell , some of these small centers don’t even have a Mgr that is full time there... maybe a Onroad sup visits a couple times a week...


Resident Suit
So have I bud... now you are going into a job where who will be in a cubicle for the rest of your life so none of that matters to you now...
You know what, you can try to put me down for it. But I made the jump out of operations so I can spend more time with my family. Everybody on here complains about their job and how much they hate where they are, and do nothing about it. At least I had the balls to leave my comfort zone and do something about it.

But go ahead and keep complaining about the union. They're clearly solving all your issues.


Resident Suit
You think you will get away with things when you have upper mgt running around a building trying to claw their way up the food chain... hell , some of these small centers don’t even have a Mgr that is full time there... maybe a Onroad sup visits a couple times a week...
I worked in a building that didn't have a manager present everyday. Things stand out on a report when you only deliver a few thousand pieces a day. Easy to get buried when you're doing 50x that.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
You know what, you can try to put me down for it. But I made the jump out of operations so I can spend more time with my family. Everybody on here complains about their job and how much they hate where they are, and do nothing about it. At least I had the balls to leave my comfort zone and do something about it.

But go ahead and keep complaining about the union. They're clearly solving all your issues.
You got to do what is best for you. I commend you on your decision. Good luck and best wishes my friend.


Well-Known Member
You know what, you can try to put me down for it. But I made the jump out of operations so I can spend more time with my family. Everybody on here complains about their job and how much they hate where they are, and do nothing about it. At least I had the balls to leave my comfort zone and do something about it.

But go ahead and keep complaining about the union. They're clearly solving all your issues.
Never put you down for wanting to make a first and foremost NO MATTER WHAT!!!, and I think we both are on the same page about that... all I’m saying is be well rounded with things because I know a couple guys in that Dept who are the biggest idiots in and out of work... total brainwashed losers..just keep things in perspective,


Well-Known Member
I worked in a building that didn't have a manager present everyday. Things stand out on a report when you only deliver a few thousand pieces a day. Easy to get buried when you're doing 50x that.
But in the end who are they going to put the heat on, a 300 car building or a 15 car building??? Come on...


Retired 23 years
I love when you guys say this....I've worked in a big building and a small building. You know what the difference is???

In the small building you know everybody. In a big building you don't.

I would think there are many more differences between a small center and a large one. . I my small center there was no guard shack. Anyone (including customers) could walk in using any regular door or garage door that was open. Every full time and most of the part time had a key to get into the building. You unlock the door and walk in--no alarms. For the most part everyone stuck together (I will admit that don't seem to be happening now). You could count on Fridays that no management would be at the building when you returned in the evening. It was ok to take "good stuff" out of the dumpster.


Well-Known Member
You know what, you can try to put me down for it. But I made the jump out of operations so I can spend more time with my family. Everybody on here complains about their job and how much they hate where they are, and do nothing about it. At least I had the balls to leave my comfort zone and do something about it.

But go ahead and keep complaining about the union. They're clearly solving all your issues.

i hear ya, but too be fair, I actually enjoy my job and enjoy driving along with a handful of others on here.

It is extremely hard not to complain about things when we see fellow brothers being taken advantage of by mgt, and i get that it goes both ways. But let's face it, UPS is becoming a :censored2: show compared to 10 years ago.