
Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Honestly Scratch, can you imagine that happening 10 years ago. Never would have even been considered
possible. What in the world has happened?

It's a combination of several factors. Mainly the surge in online sales and poor planning. An analogy for Package Volume in my building is kind of like trying to pour ten gallons of water into a five-gallon bucket. I'm in a small Hub with two Centers that usually run 75 routes apiece, maybe 90 now. I work in West Center and its the East Center that's totally collapsed like it did last year. My Center ran clean last year, we worked the three Saturdays before Christmas. The East Center was so screwed up they had to bring management from all over the Division in to try to clean it up. Same thing happened again this year. East Center is bringing back so many stops it is sinking my Center.

I have been light the last two days because the Preload runs out of time to unload. Preload started at Midnight Monday morning and had to shut down at 4AM because they blew the East Center out. 14 Trailers rolled yesterday, 23 today. Newly designed $7 million automated small sort just installed has bugs in it too. New Division comment.

What are they going to do next week?

Maybe we can get clean by February the way things are going.
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It's a combination of several factors. Mainly the surge in online sales and poor planning. An analogy for Package Volume in my building is kind of like trying to pour ten gallons of water into a five-gallon bucket. I'm in a small Hub with two Centers that usually run 75 routes a day, maybe 90 now. I work in West Center and its the East Center that's totally collapsed like it did last year. My Center ran clean last year, we worked the three Saturdays before Christmas. The East Center was so screwed up they had to bring management from all over the Division in to try to clean it up. Same thing happened again this year. East Center is bringing back so many stops it is sinking my Center.

I have been light the last two days because the Preload runs out of time to unload. Preload started at Midnight Monday morning and had to shut down at 4AM because they blew the East Center out. 14 Trailers rolled yesterday, 23 today. Newly designed $7 million automated small sort just installed has bugs in it too. New Division comment.

Maybe we can get clean by February the way things are going.
If we are lucky


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Lots of drivers here got their 8 hour guaranty today

I just barely got eight the last two days. I let one of my Helpers off yesterday because I didn't have enough stops. I got through at 4:30 yesterday, my last stop was done at 5:15 today. Our Preload can't function properly.


Nah ups says all of the problem areas have been fixed. Lol


That’s it Boys. Peak’s over.


Well-Known Member
70+ here. Everyone forced to work last Saturday and those who only had a few hours before reaching 70 were sent out with other drivers as helpers. Some guys ended up with almost 80 hours total!


Well-Known Member
I can do 60 but I am exhausted by Friday and it takes most of the weekend to just relax and re charge my body. I am still in my 20s so I don't know how the older drivers even do 60, let alone 70 hours!
I'm approaching 55 years old and I did 69 last week!
That sounds kinky!!
Anyway, I am definitely feeling it this week. One day of rest after almost 70 hours of this job is just not enough. My pace has slowed considerably. No doubt I can finish out this week, but there is no way I can continue this until the end of the month without calling out at least once or twice. My health is more important to me than any damn parcel. I've said it before, I may as well say it again.....:censored2: UPS!!


Well-Known Member
I’m doing 60 hours but only delivering around 80 stops. I let my helper do the other 140. I stay in the truck as much as possible. Packages don’t sort themselves.

Rack em

Made the Podium
I’m doing 60 hours but only delivering around 80 stops. I let my helper do the other 140. I stay in the truck as much as possible. Packages don’t sort themselves.
This is what I've been doing the first few hours I have a helper. Once I get the truck somewhat sorted I start delivering here and there.