
Well-Known Member
You should plan on growing a pair and not show up.

They made this is not your problem.

The majority of our drivers want to work on Saturday as they know that it will take the edge off of the following Monday.

I want to work as I have nothing planned for the day and it would be nice to have a little extra money going in to the holiday season.

I did ask my on car what would happen if a driver NC/NS and he said that they would leave his car in the bldg and simply add to the load on Monday with no adjustment to his/her dispatch.


Victory Ride
The majority of our drivers want to work on Saturday as they know that it will take the edge off of the following Monday.

I want to work as I have nothing planned for the day and it would be nice to have a little extra money going in to the holiday season.

I did ask my on car what would happen if a driver NC/NS and he said that they would leave his car in the bldg and simply add to the load on Monday with no adjustment to his/her dispatch.
We had a few NC/NS last Saturday..... drivers who got done “Early” ...where instructed 2 deliver parts of the
NC/NS route


Victory Ride
I was done around 6 last night-----helper and I busted our butts and I skipped my lunch---I was sent back out to pick up a local apple orchard and meet a driver for his pickup pieces. Added an hour to my day.
That isnt bad ...doing pickups ... it’s the additional delivery stops after I did my own ...that would irritate me


Well-Known Member
That isnt bad ...doing pickups ... it’s the additional delivery stops after I did my own ...that would irritate me

...especially in an area that I am not familiar with.....I was sent out last week to run off 20 stops in an area close to the of the stops was a gun shop that I had never delivered to.....the owner "yelled" at me for using the wrong door and asked if I was new.....she was surprised when I told her that I had 29 years in and used the door right next to the OPEN sign as you can't see the door that the regular drivers use as it is off to the side.


Well-Known Member
The majority of our drivers want to work on Saturday as they know that it will take the edge off of the following Monday.

I want to work as I have nothing planned for the day and it would be nice to have a little extra money going in to the holiday season.

I did ask my on car what would happen if a driver NC/NS and he said that they would leave his car in the bldg and simply add to the load on Monday with no adjustment to his/her dispatch.

Brother, if you WANT to make the extra money and have nothing planned that's awesome.....I don't begrudge you that opportunity and of course it's your decision.

But for the love of Christ PLEASE stop acting/saying you all WANT to work to make it easier for yourselves on Monday. It simply makes no sense. All you are doing is making a HUGE favor for the company in their planning.
Likewise the same for Saturday.....fine don't send out my load and see what happens. Again, my work ethic and capabilities are very well established and they know what to expect. So them dumping a heavier load on me would just kill them later in the day.

I'm not quite sure how this all doesn't sink in with you in regards to thinking you are helping yourself, you are helping the suits and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
I was done around 6 last night-----helper and I busted our butts and I skipped my lunch---I was sent back out to pick up a local apple orchard and meet a driver for his pickup pieces. Added an hour to my day.

"Helper and I busted our butts".

So again I ask........WHY??

I think all of us on here should chip in a measly dollar and send you the money so you can go to the local tattoo parlor of your choosing and get an EVERLAST right across your forehead.

Because you my friend are nothing more than a human punching bag!!


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to urge every driver in my building to demand their 8 hours when forced in on Saturday. It's sad that very few will actually do this. If it costs UPS $400-$500 each for every driver to show up on Saturdays then maybe they would re-think this crap!


Well-Known Member
We're a smallish Hub. No idea what our rolled numbers are, don't have the right connections in management to find that out right now.

Anecdotes is all I've got.

Day sort has plan start or either 9:00am or 9:15am depending on the day, but regardless we can't process any volume until 9:20ish thanks to preload running into us. Drivers leave at 9:45am, Mt. Irreg dutifully left behind. Scanner batteries for Day start kicking the bucket in bulk around 3:00pm. 3:30pm is plan down. Twilight starts at 4:15pm, Day runs into them.

It's a lottery. Some belts are belt wide stacked all day, others are audaciously light.

It's also been a month since the drinking fountain got a wipe down. Bird squirtin's everywhere.