Rack em

Made the Podium
My Hub gets all the demoted management around theses parts and it shows. They forgot to order rental trucks and golf carts in time. Not to mention hiring and training enough seasonals. After last year's disaster in one of our Centers I figured they would get ahead and put in more peak routes. They didn't think about that either.
Cut them some slack! It's hard to plan when peak isn't at the same time every year.


Just a turd
Ups employees: big corporations are evil. We hate 70 hour work week... all they care about is profit

Than a smaller business comes along trying to take care of customers and also stay open by making a profit and people laugh

I don't get it

They are using UPS as a scapegoat. Don't put right address on package, blame UPS, Don't use proper packaging, blame UPS. Create a label and not give it to UPS for two days, blame UPS for it being late.
Maybe if they didn't use inflammatory language and their email. "A promise of a call within 2 hours, but it turns out to be 3"


Huge Member
They are using UPS as a scapegoat. Don't put right address on package, blame UPS, Don't use proper packaging, blame UPS. Create a label and not give it to UPS for two days, blame UPS for it being late.
Maybe if they didn't use inflammatory language and their email. "A promise of a call within 2 hours, but it turns out to be 3"

Honestly, I read the email as someone who's sick of paying premium price for shipping and getting surepost service.


Fight the power.
Who are Unishippers?


Just a turd
Honestly, I read the email as someone who's sick of paying premium price for shipping and getting surepost service.
To me they are like the customer who calls in saying "He didn't knock or ring my bell , just left a note" . They are using a third party to ship through UPS. What's to say that third party isn't messing up and laying the blame at UPS doorstep

The Driver

I drive.
A few out of center misload missed tonight, along with a school I couldn't get to before 5pm. Had around 90+ commercial stops and 80+ resi. Crappy day.


Well-Known Member
I looked on my helper's timecard when I turned it in tonight and noticed that I had 275 stops SPAed to my route. We had 163 stops and finished at 5:51. That means 112 stops didn't make it to my car and were left in the building. My Hub's Preload rolled 14 trailers Monday, 23 Tuesday, 30 Wednesday, and 29 this morning.
You’ll be keeping your helper for the next 12 months to catch up


Huge Member
If I'm shipping stem cells to patients, I'd be pretty sure I would have the tracking numbers and be able to see errors in delivery.
This company sounds like it was working with Unishippers customer service to find out what's going on with their deliveries.
Sounds like they both were getting the runaround.


Well-Known Member
To me they are like the customer who calls in saying "He didn't knock or ring my bell , just left a note" . They are using a third party to ship through UPS. What's to say that third party isn't messing up and laying the blame at UPS doorstep
What about the fact that my whole building has had 4 days a week of the past 2 weeks with not one air on time?

What about the fact that for the whole year, late air is a daily occurrence?

Are you honestly defending ups air service right now?

Rack em

Made the Podium
What about the fact that my whole building has had 4 days a week of the past 2 weeks with not one air on time?

What about the fact that for the whole year, late air is a daily occurrence?

Are you honestly defending ups air service right now?
Air is a joke. Our center's air is late year round too.


Well-Known Member

I have been bringing people meds days late

It's understandable if we have late air and instead of 1030 it comes at 4pm... or even the next day

But 3 days late... totally unacceptable. I hope you never have to wait for meds

I think you misunderstood what I was getting at. I do feel bad for the people that need those meds. What I was saying is I love how companies try and use it as a reason they are writing a letter.

They are a company and are losing money. They are not using UPS. They are using a service that uses us. The only reason they care is because they are losing customers from a bad reputation. If they flat out said that then I would respect the letter.

I think of it like UPS trying to convince us to work safe for our families. Though what they really care about is how it will effect them by paying for our injuries.


Well-Known Member
been calling in missed buisness since last tues. started with maybe 20 missed tops. Yesterday was roughly 2-300 missed pieces. I did manage to get 500 off. Can’t wait to see today. Lol