
Inordinately Right
First This is made up stuff. Secondly in Georgia so long as one party knows they are being recorded it’s perfectly legal.thirdly if If you think the White House didn’t record that video I have some ocean front properties in Arizona I’ll sell you. Fourthly the Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger testified in front of the grand jury over this very matter.
It's really amazing that we have the audio from the call, it completely exonerates him of the charges, and yet these clueless Democrats still support these fascist lawfare attacks.


Inordinately Right
The Fulton County 19 will have their day in court.
I'm sure your household will be glued to the tv...



Inordinately Right
I don't believe there has ever been a former President that has a county jail mugshot before. Not even Jefferson Davis, President of the CSA, had a mugshot. History in the making.
Yes the Democrats have taken the country to new lows. Republicans will lift us back up out of the fascist Democrat gutter though. You'll see part timer.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It's really amazing that we have the audio from the call, it completely exonerates him of the charges, and yet these clueless Democrats still support these fascist lawfare attacks.
All it does is get him reelected. Once the truth filters out, folk, especially those swing voters, will see how phoney the charges are.