
Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, donald's team won't let him debate because of worries he will start talking about how he bested Teddy Roosevelt in a bear-hunting competition, before trouncing the 26th president in the 1904 presidential election.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
There's plenty of video evidence of Epps spurring demonstrators on to go into the Capitol Building but when everyone was getting arrested and charged and convicted he wasn't touched. Why? People who literally did nothing but be there have been arrested and held. Why wasn't Epps?
But Epps was charged. He pleaded guilty just 7 days ago.

I encourage you guys to read a wider variety of real journalism.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I agree that Pelosi needs to take responsibility for her decision to leave the Capitol unprotected.

Unfortunately she knows there's a lot of very stupid people who will defend her actions.
She didn’t leave the Capitol unprotected. The intelligence assessment didn’t rise to the level of red alert. They got it wrong. She didn’t.

Talk about blaming the victim. She was being hunted in that building. But keep reaching. Don’t let me stop your fantasy.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Trump is a draft dodging traitor who wouldn't have the guts to tell Milley to his face that the country would be better off like the "days gone by" if he were put to death.

What a stupid coward. Hope America is wise enough to vote him down so we can hear him whine and moan and cry and bitch and complain until the day he diarrhea farts into his adult diaper and dies a natural death in prison.


Inordinately Right

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Donald "Draft dodging bone spurs" Trump called our top general's actions "treasonous". That's rich.

Gen. Milley's phone call to his counterpart was explicitly authorized by Trump-administration officials.


Inordinately Right
Of course if this were true, Obamacare would have been repealed and replaced which is what they campaigned on.
I agree with you that the Republican party is mostly moderates that would have been considered blue dog Democrats 20 years ago.

Shows just how far to the radical left Democrats have moved.