Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
If his family is receiving millions from numerous sources with no evidence that anything was done to earn that money then Biden is guilty. He doesn't have to be shown to have received money directly. That's the law. So far the three committees investigating Hunter and Joe have turned up over $20 million in wire transfers and a couple hundred Suspicious Activity Reports by banks to shell corporations where the money was transferred to 9 Biden family members. Hunter is receiving hundreds of thousands for each of his paintings while refusing to disclose who is buying them. Hunter served on the Board of the Ukrainian oil and gas giant Burisma, receiving millions. Joe flew in and used a billion of American tax money earmarked for Ukrainian aid as leverage to get the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor who was investigating corruption at Burisma. Joe was using aliases on multiple email accounts to communicate with Hunter and as vice-president CCed his son on official government emails even though Hunter wasn't a government employee with clearance. There's plenty more concerning Hunter and the DOJ protecting him. And no doubt more concerning Joe such as the recently turned up $250k wire transfer from a Communist Party official to Hunter with Joe's Delaware home address given as the address on the transfer in spite of the fact that Hunter was living in California at the time. Hunter has received millions ffrom numerous sources. Meanwhile Joe has several multiple million dollar homes.
His book deals and speaking engagements were profitable.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
BS. FBI Director Jim Comey said that Hillary broke the law(she seriously broke national security laws, felonies

You are not in the least dispassionate about Hillary. Here is an article from ABC News from the horse’s mouth (Comey).

It's a complicated matter," Comey said of why Clinton could not be charged with violating a federal law that makes it a crime to exhibit gross negligence in handling classified information — regardless of intent.

The statute was passed in 1917, without a "great definition" for "gross negligence," he said, and even then lawmakers had "a lot of concern ... whether that was going to violate the American tradition of requiring that before you go and lock somebody up, you proved they knew they were doing something wrong."

The Clinton campaign official reiterated that Clinton did not believe the materials she was handling were classified.

The Justice Department has brought charges under the law only once — in 2003, after it realized an FBI agent was having an 18-year affair with an FBI informant and sharing classified information and sensitive investigative details with her. The informant was a double agent and was passing that information to the Chinese government, creating "compromises within the [FBI's] China program," as a report by the Justice Department's inspector general put it. Agent James J. Smith was charged with gross negligence in handling classified documents, and he ultimately pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and was sentenced to three years of probation.

Nevertheless, Justice Department officials — through Republican and Democratic administrations — have long had "grave concerns" that the law is "invalid" and would be challenged on constitutional grounds if used to bring charges again, Comey insisted.

"For 99 years, they've been very worried about its constitutionality," he said.

While some believe Clinton benefited from a double standard, Comey said, "You know what would be a double standard? If she were prosecuted for gross negligence."

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You claim you don’t know where the Clintons got their money. Ok. You apparently didn’t look. She was on the board of Wal-Mart. How much does that pay?

Hang up your dumb conspiracy theories. She would’ve been indicted by now if she was masterminding criminality. Give it up.


Well-Known Member
You claim you don’t know where the Clintons got their money. Ok. You apparently didn’t look. She was on the board of Wal-Mart. How much does that pay?

Hang up your dumb conspiracy theories. She would’ve been indicted by now if she was masterminding criminality. Give it up.
Sorry amigo. Well documented that Bill, during Hillary's stint as Secretary of State, was getting paid $500k or more per speech. Hillary did too after she left office and was the presumed next president. And hundreds of millions flowed into their foundation. Odd how after she lost all of that dried up. She was getting turned down for $50k a speech.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Sorry amigo. Well documented that Bill, during Hillary's stint as Secretary of State, was getting paid $500k or more per speech. Hillary did too after she left office and was the presumed next president. And hundreds of millions flowed into their foundation. Odd how after she lost all of that dried up. She was getting turned down for $50k a speech.
Turns out speeches by powerful people are super expensive. That’s the way it works.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Uh-huh. Why didn't he share that with his family instead of them getting money under the table?
Powerful people handle their finances in a tax-advantaged way. Trump said that was being “smart”. So what? If you have a problem with it then work with the only party interested in tax reform (DEMOCRATIC PARTY) and let’s get the laws changed. Good grief.


Well-Known Member
Powerful people handle their finances in a tax-advantaged way. Trump said that was being “smart”. So what? If you have a problem with it then work with the only party interested in tax reform (DEMOCRATIC PARTY) and let’s get the laws changed. Good grief.
So I guess they'll just have to keep getting millions distributed to them through about 20 phony shell companies. Thank goodness all those foreign governments and oligarchs and corporations are willing to take care of Joe's family so well that he doesn't have to share book royalties with them!

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So I guess they'll just have to keep getting millions distributed to them through about 20 phony shell companies. Thank goodness all those foreign governments and oligarchs and corporations are willing to take care of Joe's family so well that he doesn't have to share book royalties with them!
Needs citation.


Well-Known Member
You are not in the least dispassionate about Hillary. Here is an article from ABC News from the horse’s mouth (Comey).

It's a complicated matter," Comey said of why Clinton could not be charged with violating a federal law that makes it a crime to exhibit gross negligence in handling classified information — regardless of intent.

The statute was passed in 1917, without a "great definition" for "gross negligence," he said, and even then lawmakers had "a lot of concern ... whether that was going to violate the American tradition of requiring that before you go and lock somebody up, you proved they knew they were doing something wrong."

The Clinton campaign official reiterated that Clinton did not believe the materials she was handling were classified.

The Justice Department has brought charges under the law only once — in 2003, after it realized an FBI agent was having an 18-year affair with an FBI informant and sharing classified information and sensitive investigative details with her. The informant was a double agent and was passing that information to the Chinese government, creating "compromises within the [FBI's] China program," as a report by the Justice Department's inspector general put it. Agent James J. Smith was charged with gross negligence in handling classified documents, and he ultimately pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and was sentenced to three years of probation.

Nevertheless, Justice Department officials — through Republican and Democratic administrations — have long had "grave concerns" that the law is "invalid" and would be challenged on constitutional grounds if used to bring charges again, Comey insisted.

"For 99 years, they've been very worried about its constitutionality," he said.

While some believe Clinton benefited from a double standard, Comey said, "You know what would be a double standard? If she were prosecuted for gross negligence."
Saw Comey give the press conference and his speech is on the FBI website. If a Republican under subpoena did what she did he'd be in prison. But you've illustrated my previous point from the other day. There is literally nothing you won't defend if it's your party doing it. Folks like you literally enable these politicians to break the law.


Well-Known Member
Now ask Bill and Hillary how many speeches for $500k+ they gave WHILE she was Secretary of State and then the presumed next president? Compare that with how many million dollar speeches Reagan gave. And did Reagan have a foundation receiving hundreds of millions that he used like a personal piggy bank?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Now ask Bill and Hillary how many speeches for $500k+ they gave WHILE she was Secretary of State and then the presumed next president? Compare that with how many million dollar speeches Reagan gave. And did Reagan have a foundation receiving hundreds of millions that he used like a personal piggy bank?
Buddy, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate exactly how the Clinton Foundation is corrupt.