
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Is there anything more classically conservative than the jury trial system?

Local law and order and judged by your peers with strict rules on court conduct (unless you’re a silver spoon orange crybaby).

It’s crazy that “conservatives” turned populists are having their hippy dippy moment so hard.
there's all kinds of ways you can rig a jury against a case in our system


Well-Known Member
Is there anything more classically conservative than the jury trial system? Local law and order and judged by your peers with strict rules on court conduct (unless you’re a silver spoon orange crybaby).

It’s crazy that “conservatives” turned populists are having their hippy dippy moment so hard.
Actually most of our present day freedoms are from classic liberalism. Not for nothing college is referred to as a liberal arts education. But the Left has taken things to such extremes that now a liberal would call a jury trial "classically conservative." Why have jury trials when you can destroy people through social media cancel culture?


Well-Known Member
"Foxlandia. It’s a place they go where Trump is a strong leader, the economy is in recession, eggs cost $27 a piece, inflation is still raging, Putin is an ally and the West is sinister, antifa is ISIS, dozens of American cities burned to the ground in 2020, vaccines give you COVID, insurrectionists are hostages, children carrying their rapist’s babies is a blessing, assault weapons bring freedom, etc."

Greg Sargent


Inordinately Right