
Retired 23 years
Should there be a national abortion ban?

Would you only support candidates who believe all abortion is felony murder and thus would want to protect babies from murder by signing a national abortion ban?
Hell no. Let the women have this one. It's their bodies. There are too many people in the world as it is.


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
Should there be a national abortion ban?

Would you only support candidates who believe all abortion is felony murder and thus would want to protect babies from murder by signing a national abortion ban?
I won't vote for a candidate who supports abortion on demand at any time during the pregnancy and for any reason.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I won't vote for a candidate who supports abortion on demand at any time during the pregnancy and for any reason.
I wouldn’t think evangelicals appreciate that Trump wants there to remain open the possibility of murder factory blue states to continue mass murdering baby children by not promising to sign a national ban on abortion healthcare. Seems like evangelicals are full of crap.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t think evangelicals appreciate that Trump wants there to remain open the possibility of murder factory blue states to continue mass murdering baby children by not promising to sign a national ban on abortion healthcare. Seems like evangelicals are full of crap.
We're not the ones throwing out the Constitution when we don't get our way.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Wow, ok. Weird that it’s ok to literally murder your unborn child in certain states when it would never be legal to take your 12 year old who would have the same rights in your red state to Illinois to butcher him and then come back like nothing happened. Wouldn’t you want a nationwide ban on that? Or do you think your red state would prosecute a woman for trafficking across state lines to murder her unborn child?

Um, actually, wouldn’t that even be kidnapping? Taking an unwilling participant across state lines to commit another crime? That’s an FBI issue now.

Help me out.
Doesn’t matter what I want. The Supreme Court of the Land said it was a state issue.
If a law is broken, federal or state, yes, prosecute is what you do.
I am subject to the laws in my state. If I don’t want to submit to a law/ laws in my state, I will go to a state where I’m not breaking a law/laws.
No charge, no violation, no penalty. At least, no violation or accountability here. Just because it's legal in America does not make it right with eternal law.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're butt hurt that Trump opposes a national ban because you were planning to use dead babies as a wedge issue to help get your dear supreme leader elected again.
He says he opposes it. He will let the demons run amok in Congress and we will see how long that promise lasts.

Women and the men who love them dont believe this lunatic.


Well-Known Member
Seems incredibly dubious. Like, uncomfortable and scary as :censored2:. Who would invest in running a business if it could be taken by the stronger party on a whim? Might would make right always. No rules, just chaos. Yikes.
Exactly! Who is going to invest in New York when they go after Trump for doing what is considered standard operating procedure? What's that you say? It was a one off for Trump only? Everyone else can continue as always according to Governor Hochul. So I guess they really are targeting Trump to ruin him.