Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Trump just recently came out in opposition to a national abortion ban.

The left lost it.
The Biden campaign literally called outlets to complain that they reported that fact.

All they have are lies.
Will you not support Donald Trump now that he wants to allow women to cross state lines to murder their unborn children? Seems like he’s kind of a flake on this issue. He supports the freedom of women to murder their offspring?????

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
you guys want to act like abortions only happen for the woman’s convenience. They happen all the time for health and survival reasons. But the party of small government wants politicians telling a woman what she can and cannot do with what happens in her body.
What part of her body is a fetus?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
State issue.
Wow, ok. Weird that it’s ok to literally murder your unborn child in certain states when it would never be legal to take your 12 year old who would have the same rights in your red state to Illinois to butcher him and then come back like nothing happened. Wouldn’t you want a nationwide ban on that? Or do you think your red state would prosecute a woman for trafficking across state lines to murder her unborn child?

Um, actually, wouldn’t that even be kidnapping? Taking an unwilling participant across state lines to commit another crime? That’s an FBI issue now.

Help me out.


Inordinately Right
Will you not support Donald Trump now that he wants to allow women to cross state lines to murder their unborn children? Seems like he’s kind of a flake on this issue. He supports the freedom of women to murder their offspring?????
You seem very triggered by the fact that Trump came out in opposition to a national ban.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Wow, ok. Weird that it’s ok to literally murder your unborn child in certain states when it would never be legal to take your 12 year old who would have the same rights in your red state to Illinois to butcher him and then come back like nothing happened. Wouldn’t you want a nationwide ban on that? Or do you think your red state would prosecute a woman for trafficking across state lines to murder her unborn child?

Um, actually, wouldn’t that even be kidnapping? Taking an unwilling participant across state lines to commit another crime? That’s an FBI issue now.

Help me out.
What jurisdiction would you propose to institute a nationwide ban? I would have to get behind one that would stand up to scrutiny.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
What jurisdiction would you propose to institute a nationwide ban? I would have to get behind one that would stand up to scrutiny.
Get creative. We have to ban these procedures across the whole United States and cannot allow a single state to legalize murder, right? Because that’s what Donald Trump is suggesting. Keep felony level murder legal because it’s convenient for his campaign. Because he knows it’s not actual murder and neither do you guys.


Legio patria nostra
So we should definitely have a national abortion ban?

Get creative. We have to ban these procedures across the whole United States and cannot allow a single state to legalize murder, right? Because that’s what Donald Trump is suggesting. Keep felony level murder legal because it’s convenient for his campaign. Because he knows it’s not actual murder and neither do you guys.
Jesus H Christ...