
Inordinately Right
I’d be grumpy to if I was a MAGA
and Orange Jesus was my hero
Looks like MTG and gaetz rein of terror about to come to an end
That's the kind of brilliant response I expected from you. Well done.


Well-Known Member
Look at you thinking you are so cute making stuff up again and pushing it as the truth
What I know is Reagan won 49 states in '84 including got huge support from Democrats. Had the best peacetime economy in history up to that point. Was the catalyst behind the breakup of the Soviet Union. And yes, Congress passes laws that the president signs or vetoes. Vetoes can be overridden by Congress. So anything signed into law was after a lot of negotiating. Trying to attack Reagan over it just exposes your partisanship.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Bragg's hoping for a jury with TDS that will ignore the truth.

At least some of the TDSers are being honest about it.

Another prospective alternate is excused after saying she couldn't serve and starting to cry

"One potential alternate juror began crying when handed the microphone.

“I’m sorry. I thought I could do this. I wouldn’t want someone who feels this way to judge my case either,” she said.

She said, "(I) don’t want you to feel I’ve wasted anyone time. This is so much more stressful than I thought.”
Judge Juan Merchan invited her to come up to the bench to talk privately, after which she was excused.
There have been five excused alternate jurors today so far."

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
You talking about Ronnie Raygun?
He was the one that originally wrapped himself in the flag, gave huge tax breaks to the rich and began screwing the middle class.
I’m old enough to remember one could write off interest on personal
And auto loans until 1986
He also armed the Contras by sending money to Iran as well as creating what became the Taliban . Osama Bin Laden was part of the group of mujadeen that Regan compared to the Founding Fathers of the USA

Let’s not try to rewrite history

Sadly, this is pretty accurate.

Most of the Reagan cheerleaders are unaware fanboys of the heavy hitters that were in the junk bond market, the corporate raiders, and the industrial strength ponzi schemers.

They frequently reminisce about how good they had it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
At least some of the TDSers are being honest about it.

Another prospective alternate is excused after saying she couldn't serve and starting to cry

"One potential alternate juror began crying when handed the microphone.

She said, "(I) don’t want you to feel I’ve wasted anyone time. This is so much more stressful than I thought.”
Judge Juan Merchan invited her to come up to the bench to talk privately, after which she was excused.
There have been five excused alternate jurors today so far."
Serving on a jury is incredibly boring. I spent 5 days once serving only to be told the case was settled.