
Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
And nothing you have babbled onand on about has anything to with Trump being held accountable and standing Criminal Trial.
Why would I mention Trump? The original question you asked didn’t have Trump in it so why would I say anything about Trump in my answer? I know why your answers always has Trump… because you suffer from TDS. He is always on your mind. I bet you moan “Trump” when you are nutting.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
you suffer from TDS. He is always on your mind. I bet you moan “Trump” when you are nutting.

How about "We've got him this time" with the booking picture pulled up?



Well-Known Member
Things that are fake according to Donald Trump:

Crime statistics from the FBI.

Job figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2020 election results from half a dozen different state officials.

Reports that he continually falls asleep during his hush money trial, confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses.

The trial itself, being conducted by the state of New York.

News that he said Alvin Bragg should be prosecuted, recorded on video.



Well-Known Member
Things that are fake according to Donald Trump:

Crime statistics from the FBI.

Job figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2020 election results from half a dozen different state officials.

Reports that he continually falls asleep during his hush money trial, confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses.

The trial itself, being conducted by the state of New York.

News that he said Alvin Bragg should be prosecuted, recorded on video.

job stats are fake.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Trump’s most successful campaign ever. The whole world is seeing this. The world is seeing New Yorkers for Trump. Trump could have never got this much great coverage without the Dems and this trial.



Well-Known Member
donald the dense told Time reporter Eric Cortellessa of his desire to "pardon January 6 insurrectionists, deploy the National Guard in TrumpAmerican cities at will, give police immunity from prosecution, close the White House office responsible for pandemic preparedness, and permit red states to monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute abortion ban violators.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
If Biden loses in Nov. it will be because it 's rigged, right?

If they shut down multiple places at 3am to stop counting but keep counting, if people are told to stop counting and go home to get sleep but a few people, unsupervised, stay and keep counting, if they put cardboard in windows so people can’t see inside while they are counting, if trucks are seen pulling in and boxes being taken inside counting stations after hours, if they keep finding ballots after election day, If video of people inserting the same ballots over and over, and if after all this we are told that we just had the most secure election in history and are scolded for questioning then yes I will believe it was rigged if Biden loses.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
These Dems like Bragg thought their lawfare tactics-show trial would hamstring Donald Trump, prevent him from campaigning, assuring a Biden win.

Unfortunately for Bragg and Company, their actions created a bunker like opportunity for Trump, we see him switching gears, moving to personal appearances, something he enjoys and is very good at, the media in tow. In this type of environment, he thrives.

Forgot speeches, keep doing what you are doing Mr. Trump. It's working as we see reflected in the polls.

People believe what they see, and swing state voters are seeking images like the NYFD cheering for Trump with genuine affection. You cannot fake that and people see it.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why do you think trump polls so poorly with educated people?
The poll sample was 1776 people who answered an unknown phone number.

If polls were accurate, Hillary Clinton would be finishing her second term right now.
Lol. Suddenly not a fan of polling.
Define “suddenly”.

Within106 days of having been a fan of polling. :P

Why do you think trump polls so poorly with educated people?