
Legio patria nostra
He better say a Hail Mary

Bad thing is if they force joe out, their problems are just going to get worse
Look what happened to the stupid leftists. They were/are so busy spewing hate, division, anger and chaos, they failed to see their own house crumbling around them. They're a danger to society and should be rounded up and interred somewhere hot. I heard some idiot actually crying on C-SPAN this morning because the pathetic leftists are going to lose at every level.

Commercial Inside Release

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@Over70irregs what a revelation. This definitely needs to be checked and broadcast. Any options put that large the day before an assassination, is beyond culpable. Soros and company may very well have been behind the whole thing, and corrupted at least the secret service.

Too bad for Soros, Trump survived... LOL. While his put turned to dust, the rest of us jumped in on Monday and made 35-55% !

Trump needs some help with security, if this is the case. They will probably not stop attempting to assassinate him. The country needs a purge of hundreds of jack wagons like the people behind Austin Private Wealth.