
Legio patria nostra
He better say a Hail Mary

Bad thing is if they force joe out, their problems are just going to get worse
Look what happened to the stupid leftists. They were/are so busy spewing hate, division, anger and chaos, they failed to see their own house crumbling around them. They're a danger to society and should be rounded up and interred somewhere hot. I heard some idiot actually crying on C-SPAN this morning because the pathetic leftists are going to lose at every level.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
View attachment 493027
@Over70irregs what a revelation. This definitely needs to be checked and broadcast. Any options put that large the day before an assassination, is beyond culpable. Soros and company may very well have been behind the whole thing, and corrupted at least the secret service.

Too bad for Soros, Trump survived... LOL. While his put turned to dust, the rest of us jumped in on Monday and made 35-55% !

Trump needs some help with security, if this is the case. They will probably not stop attempting to assassinate him. The country needs a purge of hundreds of jack wagons like the people behind Austin Private Wealth.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
@Over70irregs what a revelation. This definitely needs to be checked and broadcast. Any options put that large the day before an assassination, is beyond culpable. Soros and company may very well have been behind the whole thing, and corrupted at least the secret service.

Too bad for Soros, Trump survived... LOL. While his put turned to dust, the rest of us jumped in on Monday and made 35-55% !

Trump needs some help with security, if this is the case. They will probably not stop attempting to assassinate him. The country needs a purge of hundreds of jack wagons like the people behind Austin Private Wealth.

It’s all about the 💰…politics is just a side show…


Strength through joy

Federal authorities have indicted Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA and White House NSC employee, the wife of Max Boot, a deranged leftist who works for the Washington Post, for operating as an unregistered foreign agent for South Korea.
Which is honestly kind of hilarious given how Boot is one of those TDS morons who accused Trump of being a foreign agent without any evidence.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Federal authorities have indicted Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA and White House NSC employee, the wife of Max Boot, a deranged leftist who works for the Washington Post, for operating as an unregistered foreign agent for South Korea.
Which is honestly kind of hilarious given how Boot is one of those TDS morons who accused Trump of being a foreign agent without any evidence.


Well-Known Member
@Over70irregs what a revelation. This definitely needs to be checked and broadcast. Any options put that large the day before an assassination, is beyond culpable. Soros and company may very well have been behind the whole thing, and corrupted at least the secret service.

Too bad for Soros, Trump survived... LOL. While his put turned to dust, the rest of us jumped in on Monday and made 35-55% !

Trump needs some help with security, if this is the case. They will probably not stop attempting to assassinate him. The country needs a purge of hundreds of jack wagons like the people behind Austin Private Wealth.
That info on Austin is being swept away sir. On google the algo was pushing it down. It’s all rigged with bad 🩸 $ guys. We are being played.


Well-Known Member
"Precarious manhood (PM) theory posits that males are expected to actively maintain their reputations as “real men.” We propose that men’s concern about failing to meet masculine standards leads them to embrace policies and politicians that signal strength and toughness—or what we term political aggression. Three correlational studies support this claim. In Study 1, men’s fear of failing to meet masculine expectations predicted their support for aggressive policies (e.g., the death penalty), but not policies lacking aggressive features (e.g., affirmative action). Studies 2 and 3 utilized Google searches to assess the relationship between regional levels of PM and real-world electoral behavior. The use of search terms related to masculine anxieties correlated with Donald Trump’s vote share in the 2016 general election (Study 2) and, confirming preregistered predictions, with Republican candidates’ vote shares in 2018 congressional elections (Study 3)."

sage journal

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
"Precarious manhood (PM) theory posits that males are expected to actively maintain their reputations as “real men.” We propose that men’s concern about failing to meet masculine standards leads them to embrace policies and politicians that signal strength and toughness—or what we term political aggression. Three correlational studies support this claim. In Study 1, men’s fear of failing to meet masculine expectations predicted their support for aggressive policies (e.g., the death penalty), but not policies lacking aggressive features (e.g., affirmative action). Studies 2 and 3 utilized Google searches to assess the relationship between regional levels of PM and real-world electoral behavior. The use of search terms related to masculine anxieties correlated with Donald Trump’s vote share in the 2016 general election (Study 2) and, confirming preregistered predictions, with Republican candidates’ vote shares in 2018 congressional elections (Study 3)."

sage journal

Ah, yes. Bring on more academic studies that leftists can point to as they turn up their noses at anyone to the right of Mao and claim to be the ultimate purveyors of truth.

People might still be listening if it weren't so clear that our academic institutions are no longer interested in pursuing scientific truth over ideological propaganda. This Google search study you're citing is clearly just another example of the latter.


Inordinately Right
Ah, yes. Bring on more academic studies that leftists can point to as they turn up their noses at anyone to the right of Mao and claim to be the ultimate purveyors of truth.

People might still be listening if it weren't so clear that our academic institutions are no longer interested in pursuing scientific truth over ideological propaganda. This Google search study you're citing is clearly just another example of the latter.
The author is a "gender equity and DEI expert and researcher".

So, you need to listen to her, you peasant.


Legio patria nostra
Ah, yes. Bring on more academic studies that leftists can point to as they turn up their noses at anyone to the right of Mao and claim to be the ultimate purveyors of truth.

People might still be listening if it weren't so clear that our academic institutions are no longer interested in pursuing scientific truth over ideological propaganda. This Google search study you're citing is clearly just another example of the latter.
You actually read all that BS?