
Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I'm seeing him at 7% right now... Lol.
It's insane.

View attachment 493497

Is that figuring in a 3am stop the vote counting while still counting, votes from other states driven across state lines, windows being card boarded up so no one can see what the vote counters are doing and votes being counted days after this election? Or are these figures based on the most secure election we will ever have? Just wondering… 🤔


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Is that figuring in a 3am stop the vote counting while still counting, votes from other states driven across state lines, windows being card boarded up so no one can see what the vote counters are doing and votes being counted days after this election? Or are these figures based on the most secure election we will ever have? Just wondering… 🤔

..and if you question any discrepancies you are called a “racist”…fun times for sure…


Well-Known Member
"The problem with "fact-checking" is that it doesn't distinguish between lies and bull:censored2:. This may seem like a distinction without a difference, but I believe it's really important. A liar may tell a lie like "I never cheated on my wife" when he actually did. But a bull:censored2:ter just makes things up from whole cloth, sometimes because he just likes the way it sounds. A bull:censored2:ter doesn't lie to cover something up. He lies as a way to win people over, or to gauge how gullible they are. It's part of the confidence game, to manipulate people into believing in his awesomeness."

Citizen 99


Well-Known Member
Biden went through all those state primaries and was selected by the voters. The constitution says that each state will make laws that define the process for that state to select their candidates Is there a process in each state for a candidate who won according to their state laws and then says never mind?

if the dem party tries to finagle something can some other party sue and force that state to run another primary according to their laws?


nowhere special
Biden went through all those state primaries and was selected by the voters. The constitution says that each state will make laws that define the process for that state to select their candidates Is there a process in each state for a candidate who won according to their state laws and then says never mind?

if the dem party tries to finagle something can some other party sue and force that state to run another primary according to their laws?
A couple of states just finished rewriting the rules to get him on the ballot after he missed the deadline.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Biden went through all those state primaries and was selected by the voters.

After voters had been deceived about his condition. They had very incomplete information. Not sure if sticking to those results after it'd been revealed that they'd voted for a senile candidate would necessarily be the most democratic thing ever either.