
Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

The Dems on BC have to be upset about this. Joe got more votes than anyone in history, gave us this great economy, saved us from Trump and all MSM has spoken for his great mind. Now the Democrat party is getting rid of this great man. I can’t wait to hear from all my fellow Biden lovers about how they are upset and going to write to the Dem leaders expressing their feelings. Let’s all chant together “Bring Joe Back, Bring Joe Back”


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Biden went through all those state primaries and was selected by the voters. The constitution says that each state will make laws that define the process for that state to select their candidates Is there a process in each state for a candidate who won according to their state laws and then says never mind?

if the dem party tries to finagle something can some other party sue and force that state to run another primary according to their laws?

Talking about election interference or cover up...heads will be rolling...criminal investigations for sure...

"Who" knew about Biden's mental decline, When and Where? Kamala had to know, No official endorsement from Biden yet. But it looks like she will not be the candidate of choice (pun), her only asset is access to Biden's campaign money. But all the money in the world will not prevent Trump from taking office. Who will their sacrificial lamb...Kamala, Gavin, It will be interesting with this coming DNC. In all the places in the nation they had to pick why Chicago....(the Dems have always been the keystone cops)...

The Republicans can now concentrate of the house and senate races, they see the blood in the water and are looking at a potential history making Landslide victory in November...

The next 4 months will start the Trump agenda...It will be payback time once Trump gets into office. He has a wealth of talent to pick from for his cabinet positions and most of them are under 50...It will be a clean sweep of DEI, and only the qualified and brightest will be chosen without prejudice.
The Dems on BC have to be upset about this. Joe got more votes than anyone in history, gave us this great economy, saved us from Trump and all MSM has spoken for his great mind. Now the Democrat party is getting rid of this great man. I can’t wait to hear from all my fellow Biden lovers about how they are upset and going to write to the Dem leaders expressing their feelings. Let’s all chant together “Bring Joe Back, Bring Joe Back”
This might have sealed a trump victory

It's a little bit late to get another candidate to run for office.
Do you really want crazy lady running this country?