
Well-Known Member
There’s the rub. Democrats don’t preach. We are, however, absolutely miffed at the fact that somehow this crime family eluded the Trump/Barr justice department long enough to run for and win the presidency.

And still we are adamant: if you have the proof, show it. If charges are merited, they should be brought. Even if it’s politically motivated, that shouldn’t preclude justice for willful breaking of the law by the offender.

But that doesn’t work with republicans. Y’all see it as “You’re going after Trump so we’re gonna get Hunter!” It’s so childish.
If Hunter was Trump's kid I'm betting you wouldn't consider it to be "childish"...


Well-Known Member

Misleading fake newwwwws. Trump-backed candidates actually won bigly. 99.9% of the Republicans Trump backed in the Deep South won. @newfie will back me up. 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Well I'm not sure about all that bigly babble but if you were trying to acurately represent what i said I never made a 99.9 percent claim.
but Looking at what you have i guess the question would be where is the picture of the 220 trump wins in the election?
and then the question would where is the picture of the Biden wins?

and then I suppose you could ask what other prominent politician went out there and blanketed the entire country supporting their parties candidates and what was there success rate.
the answer is neither party had anyone else put theirselves out there supporting so many candidates and no other politician supported , campaigned for as many candidates as Trump and no one had anywhere near Trumps success rate.

Is a political argument so important to you that you would deliberately misrepresent what I said or are you suffering from memory loss or reading comprehension issues?
on the chance it is the latter i have highlighted a few key phrases to help you.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I never made a 99.9 percent claim.


Well-Known Member
The facts say otherwise. 90 percent election rate is godlike.

View attachment 408082

I understand that you hate trump and you want to believe this about him , but the facts are disconnected from your hatred and represents what we have affectionately come to refer to as TDS .

trump endorsements had a 90 percent success rate in the final round of elections and even higher in the primaries. while your party wanted you to believe that voters would put aside their pocket book issues to vote for no other reason that to go against trump reality does not support this wishful thought on the part of the DNC.

Trump had 200 or more successes in the elections spread not just in Alabama but all across the country including blue areas of the country.

the facts do not support your assumption. Trump had a 90 percent win rate with candidates he endorsed.

Trump was widely successful. When have you seen any other political figure hit a 90% plus success rate on his endorsements. You don't think those guys those other political figures would also pick people that were sure things?

back to my question. Do you the Republicans would have won the house without the Trump endorsements?

90 percent success rate in all parts of the country including California and new York.


Well-Known Member
Not the same thing as claiming the election was stolen. She's making an argument that Russia meddled, which is TRUE. Ask the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee.
Quick google search will tell us Russia has meddled in EVERY election. Even in 2020, the democrats said so, problem was, they were meddling with the Russians and accused someone else.


Well-Known Member
still here saying everyone has a right to voice their opinion in this great country even guys like Bernie who has never held a real job in his entire life and is now a multi millionaire despite that inconvenient fact.
I love hearing how bad everything is from Bernie, the millionaire. Makes me feel special.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you’re doing do the opposite because it hasn’t worked for 40 years. That’s why we are where we are now. Just one more time let’s go to the polls it’ll be this time everything will change.😂
I’m still waiting on Biden voters to come out from hiding, show your face, swallow your pride and come sit in the couch next to me. We’re both poor and we both want the same thing, but we vote for different people? How tf? And for the idiot partisan hacks, the different person is not trump. Trumpers can sit on the couch with me as well because we’re all screwed.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’m still waiting on Biden voters to come out from hiding, show your face, swallow your pride and come sit in the couch next to me. We’re both poor and we both want the same thing, but we vote for different people? How tf? And for the idiot partisan hacks, the different person is not trump. Trumpers can sit on the couch with me as well because we’re all screwed.
Is it ok if I sit in a chair? I don’t know you.


Well-Known Member
The fact that I’m expected to believe that Americans, who are getting hammered by inflation brought on by a war on petroleum, would re-elect the idiots that caused it says it all. Wake up, they won’t give up power without bloodshed now.
It’s still trumps fault remember?