That's up to God to decide. Slavery as practiced in the United States was evil. It was the way of mankind for millennia but by the time it reached the what is now the U.S. it had gone from enslaving defeated enemies to a wholesale enslavement of one race and justifying it as the right of a superior race to do so. What you don't understand is Christianity came out of a time where slavery was the norm and advanced humanity to the point that they could no longer justify such a practice and were willing to fight and die to end it. However slavery isn't what we have under capitalism today. I know I've used the term "wage slave" but that's a descriptive term only. You are free to work for someone or work for yourself. Or not work at all. Your standard of living is directly tied to the effort you make. You aren't owed anything.they went to heaven or hell for defending slavery? thats my question