
Well-Known Member
Really? Where dies it say that?

im suprised you think it says the opposite


Well-Known Member
Socialists are suppose to have everything equal. Seems Bernie's outcome is a bit better than his fellow man.
you should actually learn about socialism

bernie in 2016 presidential campaign was originally calling for a socialist revolution with all workers to collectively own and run their jobs, instead of taking orders from a capitalist


Well-Known Member
View attachment 509028
im suprised you think it says the opposite
And where does it say capitalism is wrong and socialism is more just? Seems to me if capitalism feeds, clothes, and houses the most people, and doesn't fail to where people live desperate lives, then it's the more just system.


Well-Known Member
you should actually learn about socialism

bernie in 2016 presidential campaign was originally calling for a socialist revolution with all workers to collectively own and run their jobs, instead of taking orders from a capitalist

This is a good short interview clip, 7 minutes
And where does it say capitalism is wrong and socialism is more just? Seems to me if capitalism feeds, clothes, and houses the most people, and doesn't fail to where people live desperate lives, then it's the more just system.
capitalism isn’t the be all and end all either though. We as a society in America have decided for certain things it’s better we all chip in together to contribute, like with police, firefighters, libraries. Some things should only be based on a maximum profit system

I think if the government were run with a more Christian mindset then healthcare would be included in that group as well


Well-Known Member

This is a good short interview clip, 7 minutes

capitalism isn’t the be all and end all either though. We as a society in America have decided for certain things it’s better we all chip in together to contribute, like with police, firefighters, libraries. Some things should only be based on a maximum profit system

I think if the government were run with a more Christian mindset then healthcare would be included in that group as well
Except where they have government subsidized healthcare it tends to be of lower quality.


Well-Known Member
Except where they have government subsidized healthcare it tends to be of lower quality.
Rand Paul specifically flew to Canada to pay out of pocket for a surgery he got done, so it’s obviously still has its benefits and plus everybody has health care, which should be the case in todays age


Well-Known Member
Rand Paul specifically flew to Canada to pay out of pocket for a surgery he got done, so it’s obviously still has its benefits and plus everybody has health care, which should be the case in todays age
Check how many come from Canada, England, and elsewhere because they can get surgery done here quickly while in those countries it can take many months, sometimes years. Check out the doctor/nurse shortages in those countries. Check out the private options in many socialized medicine countries because what is offered by their government to the masses is minimal care.


Well-Known Member
Check how many come from Canada, England, and elsewhere because they can get surgery done here quickly while in those countries it can take many months, sometimes years. Check out the doctor/nurse shortages in those countries. Check out the private options in many socialized medicine countries because what is offered by their government to the masses is minimal care.
I looked it up. I see about 40,000 Canadians come to America for surgery, while over 1 million Americans go to Mexico for cheaper surgeries


Well-Known Member
I looked it up. I see about 40,000 Canadians come to America for surgery, while over 1 million Americans go to Mexico for cheaper surgeries
The million Americans aren't going to Mexico for major surgeries. Much of that is dental work and that's primarily along the border. Mexico's government healthcare is minimal at best. There are good hospitals in major cities that are up to American standards. Usually there's one that stands out while the others are substandard although likely in Mexico City there's more. Those better hospitals offer private healthcare plans that expats take advantage of. Known fact if you move to a larger Mexican find out which hospital is the one up to American standards and you make sure in an emergency you are taken there. Matter of life and death. And yes, spent a total of 7.5 months in Mexico and researched living there for many years.


Well-Known Member
And where does it say capitalism is wrong and socialism is more just? Seems to me if capitalism feeds, clothes, and houses the most people, and doesn't fail to where people live desperate lives, then it's the more just system.
theres systems even more just than capitalism