
BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
who cares honestly

when the union rate starts going up, when housing prices start falling, cost of high ed starts falling, war budget starts falling - give me a call!
Every home we bought seemed expensive at the time, years later, not so much.

Stop crying.


Well-Known Member
Every home we bought seemed expensive at the time, years later, not so much.

Stop crying.
high cost of living puts you at a competitive disadvantage over countries that keep it low

in 20 or 30 years its possible you wont afford property anywhere


Well-Known Member
I didn’t say anything about your family. I just mentioned that you were living with your father who you said was a minister.
You're a liar. You said my father as a minister didn't pay taxes and lived off the largesse of his congregation. I don't know how the various denominations operate but in the Church of Christ congregations are independent and hire ministers as independent contractors with a contract. The minister as an independent contractor pays his income taxes including all of the Social Security and Medicare taxes.

You also said I was a hypocrite living off of my dad, wouldn't have a roof over my head without him. I pointed out my dad asked me to come stay with him when he had knee surgery, then asked me to stay on. That I pay for his satellite tv, his internet, and am buying him food, usually sandwiches, with my own money several times a week.

You then continued to call me a hypocrite over my health issues. I didn't contact you, you contacted me to attack me and my family. You took exception to me saying people can have the basics with some effort. Called me a hypocrite because I live with my father. I paid for all of that for decades and was paying for that in Mexico when my dad asked me to come stay with him.

Let's be honest. You're furious about Trump winning. You're upset that your progressive utopia isn't happening. What can I say? Oh, yeah, WINNING!!!