
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
It’s amazing that liberals can hate a man just because the media tells them to. But then again they believe and repeat everything else they are told too. What a joyful life to have.


Well-Known Member
Tom Fitton wrote a draft statement for Trump to read on Election Day declaring victory and urging ballots to stop being counted that night. The statement was drafted and sent to Trump aides on Oct. 31 — days before the election.
1:35 PM · Oct 13, 2022


Strength through joy
  • Maine's secretary of state, Shanna Bellows ( D ), announced her decision on Thursday evening
  • Bellows ruled that Trump is not eligible to appear on her state's ballot because he engaged in insurrection on January 6, 2021 - violating the 14th Amendment
Just where are these people getting the idea that someone can be found guilty without ever being charged or convicted ?

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
  • Maine's secretary of state, Shanna Bellows ( D ), announced her decision on Thursday evening
  • Bellows ruled that Trump is not eligible to appear on her state's ballot because he engaged in insurrection on January 6, 2021 - violating the 14th Amendment
Just where are these people getting the idea that someone can be found guilty without ever being charged or convicted ?
And that's the scary thing. Does anyone really think it's gonna stop with this? Not a good road to go down.