The Truth !


Got the T-Shirt
Gegare not a contender? So an International VP, Conference Director, PO for over thirty years, known by every locals leadership and able to get big name PO's on his slate (with many more chickenpoops promising and then backing out) if that's not a contender, good luck Tim S.

If any contender had credibility, it was Gegare.

But, TDU being TDU.... had to run Sandy.

And a 3 way split, was the beginning of the end.

Timmy needs sandy and she ain't coming. Looking at his slate it's like a who's who. Like who are these people?

Running members that have never been elected to office in their own Local....

Reeks of desperation, or a misguided belief that no one should run unopposed.

(Which is an irresponsible waste of the members dues money)

When the constituency gets mad....they vote.

Thats an anecdotal observation.

A year from now, there will be another 80% turnover in the part-time ranks.

The rest.... will forget why they were mad. (a new house, car, and boat, will do that)



Well-Known Member
Do you want to know the truth about our Union? Well here goes. Our International is virtually powerless against UPS. UPS has "all" the leverage. Why you ask? It is simple. Our Union could never afford a strike or lock out in today's culture and economics. If UPS wanted to they could lock us out at the next contract negotiations until they starved out the International and our members and our "non Union" society we live in would totally back the company's every move. Next, the Central States Pension and Health and Welfare which at one time gave our Union great power and strength. Is now our demise. Our Union has to give into UPS'S demands at contract time in order to save Central States. If Central States goes completely under so will our Union. This will cause multiple decertifications and discontent from its members. Essentially, at this time we are paying dues to keep our International running so that they can do virtually everything possible to save Central States. Even if this means concessinary contracts to boost membership in a failing plan. It is time for real reform and new ways of thinking before it is to late. The problem is, we have no such promise from either slate. Without creative thinking and "new" ideas our Union is doomed! The "new" old guard slate to the best of my knowledge has not addressed what it plans to do about Central States to date. Bottom line, we desperately need a charismatic, critical thinker, intelligent, ballsy, brilliant and creative leader. To date, I haven't seen that man on either side!

The union needs ups's, plain and simple.