The Utlimate Vain Leader


Well-Known Member
How many seconds will it take before the usual suspects compare Obama with the Deposed One? After all, they're both "Muslims", right?

Here's my pick for vanity and arrogance. in a so called leader.


11,820 seconds


Staff member
Hell yeah! Didn't you know that cape easily converts into a burqa! You watch the future comics and you'll see the man of steel go to the darkside!

I read it on the internet!

Jon Stewart had an interview with two comic strip writers. One created Pigman who could "sniff out the jihadist". The other was a muslim super-hero skilled in the art of "free running". Speaking of free running. If you get the chance, google it and watch some demonstrations. Very impressive.
Jon Stewart had an interview with two comic strip writers. One created Pigman who could "sniff out the jihadist". The other was a muslim super-hero skilled in the art of "free running". Speaking of free running. If you get the chance, google it and watch some demonstrations. Very impressive.
Geez, it would have only taken about 30 seconds for you have placed a[video=youtube;38uUY8yrmIg]"[/video]


Engorged Member
11,820 seconds

Yep, he's "SuperMuslim". Too bad it's all a pile of steaming crap that he is one. As far as arrogance goes, Dubya landing on the aircraft carrier and declaring "victory" a few years back was a true precious moment. All of you Teamsters who hate Obama and love Tea Party "freedom", please turn-in your IBT cards, and refuse to work for UPS until they drop your wages to FedEx levels and slash your benefits. Only then will you be true Americans free of your Communist union shackles. As I've said before, if you're dumb enough to support your oppressors, you deserve the "leadership' you get.