Things from the past


Retired 23 years


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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
They weren't bad but written to a lower reading level than most other encyclopedias. Very popular for a while though.
Those were my favorite as a child. I always wished we had those instead of the Encyclopedia Britannica that we DID have. When you’re in elementary school, EB might as well have been written in Greek they were so advanced. I think my dad sold them for awhile. Lol.


nowhere special
Those were my favorite as a child. I always wished we had those instead of the Encyclopedia Britannica that we DID have. When you’re in elementary school, EB might as well have been written in Greek they were so advanced. I think my dad sold them for awhile. Lol.
Agreed. Britannica was supposedly the best but comes across as written by and for British snobs. Pretentious was more important than clarity. Which is why so many schools had World Books instead.

We had a set of Encyclopedia America's at home. Kind of like the poor cousin to Britannica but similar in style.