Did I leave the iron on???
Only thing running through my mind each day is the 5 seeing habits.
Lets see.....The latest problem at home that I have to pay to solve, GEEEZ why is that guy driving down the median backwards? There's oscar the oak tree. Hmmm that a sharp looking BMW. Opps, I need to move over to the left lane to avoid the ski jump... Come on buddy, pass me, and quit riding my rear trl. God another $%^&$ on 285........ And that just in one mile- only 401 more to go.
Ditto...about how UPS used to be an enjoyable place to work ......
My motto, if the dryer dont unwrinkle it, throw it away.Did I leave the iron on???
Maybe that was Hollywood Homicide with Harrison Ford ???
Be honest now-- what you are really thinking is "Does that good looking gal pulling along side of me have a mini-skirt on?![]()
Yes! (at least to determine if it a woman driver).Do feeder drivers look at EVERY car that pulls along side them?
Do feeder drivers look at EVERY car that pulls along side them?