You have two different things you have to look at.
1) The contract or supplement for your area
2) MA state law - You always have to meet the minimum state law requirements
Breaks are paid time - the contract usually provides for breaks and meal times but state law must be honored so it takes precedent.
Meal time is unpaid time - but some states REQUIRE you take a meal after so many hours worked. You have no choice if it is mandatory.
For example in California at 6 hours you do not have a choice, you have to be on lunch. The contract allows you to take lunch between the 4th and 6th hour. So anytime after 4 hours before 6, you meet the minimum state law requirement. To make it more confusing you can opt out of lunch up to 6 hours if you put it in writing. After 6 hours it is mandatory.
Usually you get a 10 minute break up to 4 hours. At 4 hours 1 minute you get another 5 minutes (unless your contract says different)
It sounds like MA law does not account for break time so the contract takes precedent. If the extra 5 minutes is not in the contract you don't get it.
So it sounds like in MA the state law says an unpaid lunch break if I work beyond 6 hours. While I like the overtime pay over 6 hours, I think Turmlos is right, money isnt everything to me either and its time to prove a point. Next day that I reach 6 hours and I'm still working I am going to request my 30 minute unpaid break. Of course they are going to be aggrevated by that and I'm not gonna be coming back to any work when the 30 minutes is over, but maybe it will show them that these 5 hours and 59 minutes with just one 10 minute break is not enough, and that if they want to keep having us start as late as possible and push us out the door as early as possible while in most cases having the PT sup cleanup whatever is left, then eventually it might backfire on them. Speaking with some other teamsters the last couple days and it seems like I wouldn't be the only one that would do this. I know this is the heavy season for UPS and we should be expecting to work longer, but they need to realize that 6+ hours with just a 10 minute break is not enough for people who have to go to another part time job or school or whatever after the shift. UPS can cut back on things like t-shirts, water bottles, pizza, the turkey, whatever, but when little to no consideration is given for what people need for a a proper rest time for the extra time worked then I think UPS is pushing it too far.