The Teamsters would have us all believe we're they're "brothers," so consider the following analogy...
Someone hands an apple pie to three brothers, saying "It's a gift. Enjoy it!"
Obviously, one would expect the brothers to divide it equally. But suppose on brother pulls out a knife and stabs another brother in the back, then splits the pie in half with his remaining brother.
That's what this contract is about. New hires will be earning $8.50 in the year 2013!
There are many other things about the contract that bother me, and I'm damn tired of being threatened...
"If you don't vote YES, the next contract will be even worse!" (What a colleague told me the Teamsters told her.)
"If you don't vote YES, UPS is going to do a hatchet job on our pensions!" (What another colleague claims UPS said.)
Frankly, I think the almighty pension has become the tail wagging the dog. I can understand why people who are a few years from retirement might want to just lay low and survive until then, but for those of us with 20-30 years to go, it's a different story.
With the almost unbelievable corruption afflicting Corporate America and the fragility of our economy after two terms under George AWOL Bush, how do we there will be any pension for us just five years down the road, let alone two decades?
A colleague told me to vote YES because the mosts important factor medical benefits. I said baloney, the most important thing is having a roof over my head, and I can't pay the rent with promises. I need more substance.