Well-Known Member
Well then I'm not your honey either. Last time I checked, I didn't put a ring on your finger. So I guess we are even. First, friend*#**# IPad. Sweat heart. What the hell. Second, I have laid asphalt, in the desert over seas. Also all the jobs you are posting, the workers pace them selves. If not they will be out of work. Being laid off all the time. This job is like a Turbo with out a waste gate. The also Don't work as many hours as we do. This is the only job where in package you have to file a 8 hour request to get a 8 hour day. If you don't want the overtime. That's ok we will let some one else have it or just do it tomorrow. With us, just do it until it is done. Then you file and then comes the harassment. You have a valid point if you are on the out side looking in. If you haven't worked any of these jobs. Then it's easy to say we are we make to much or we don't deserve what we have.
o.0 I never called you honey, darlin. As a matter of fact, I don't recall ever calling anyone on here honey, especially since it's not generally a term I use. Regardless, you obviously missed my movie reference with the "I ain't your sweetheart, pal." comment. Oh well. Oh, and before you comment on me calling you darlin, I was being facetious.

Not once did I say that UPSers don't deserve what you make or that you make too much. I simply said that there wouldn't be support from the general public, some of whom are doing pretty hard jobs themselves and not getting paid even close to what you make. That was all. You turned it into some type of "I work harder than everyone else" type pissing match. Yeah, you work hard. So do plenty of others and they aren't getting paid $32/hr to do so, hence my saying they won't really feel sorry for UPSers if they strike. Sorry you were too busy petting that chip on your shoulder to read the point of my post.