To the yes voters.


Well-Known Member
Look a little harder for the reason the teamsters are falling apart. If you can.

lol. Unity. Unity in supporting the retirees that are on fixed incomes. Unity in supporting those that are making $30+ and hour. Unity in supporting the p-ters. Unity in supporting the future UPSers. It all comes down to unity. Me-sters aren't about unity. They are about what they get and screw everyone else.


Well-Known Member
lol. Unity. Unity in supporting the retirees that are on fixed incomes. Unity in supporting those that are making $30+ and hour. Unity in supporting the p-ters. Unity in supporting the future UPSers. It all comes down to unity. Me-sters aren't about unity. They are about what they get and screw everyone else.

What's your point?


Well-Known Member
Just like to say hats off to all of you who stood your ground and voted the way YOU saw fit!! People using scare tactics about strikes (I won't mention any names) didn't sway you. This is our right and we should stand together. Hoffa and Hall sent out BS flyers touting what a good contract this is. If you just read these you will see how full of **** these two are. It's all politics and these guys are suppose to be on our side. Stick to your guns people. I'm proud to be a Union member today. Thank you all for having the guts to stand up to these two clowns who are making waaaay too much money to sell us out with a **** deal like they came up with. There definitely is hope for the next generation of Union employees!!!!