I can answer your questions.
I'm just not sure what they are.... ?
you, being a representative of us don't see a problem with
your inability to see the issue pointed out?
Our Social Security is failing and will be reduced in the future, we all know that.
Hey, if I gave you $50 do you think you could go out and buy a clue? SS will not fail, every politician that has to get votes knows damn well what would happen. You might as well try and argue that water is not wet maroon!
Let me ask you a question.
If the union gave you everything you want. Bigger raises. No 22.4 jobs, rather RPCD FT jobs instead and more in H&W but would also end our pension in 2023.Would you vote Yes for that?
Our pay structure encapsulates those pension contributions! Increase our pay to match those contributions that UPS would no longer have to
pay us as well as reimburse for the contributions already made
AND THE INCREASE IN VALUE OF THOSE CONTRIBUTIONS not yet paid out and we'll talk motor-mouth!