Old timer story. When we first started getting automatic package cars I was one of the first drivers to get one
because I was near the top of the seniority list. Plus I had a rural route and the first ones with automatic were
the smaller cars. Anyway when the Sat. air driver punks found that automatic in the line up they started
taking it out for Sat. air. I'd come in Mon. the gas tank be half full, or there be a busted mirror, or the car be
full of trash.
So on Fri nights I'd come in, run the car through the car wash myself, fuel it myself, and put it in the lineup.
The car wash guys loved it, less work for them. Then I'd take the keys home with me for the weekend. Well the Sat. sups
complained to my center manager about the keys missing to the car. He ask me what's going on, I tell him the truth.
He says"Don't take the keys home anymore, you might get in trouble. Put them in the closet in my office. Bleep them."