awww, come on guys, come on.
im not going to find a new job, i go by the 'love to hate me, motivate me' rule, so, if they want me gone, they'll have to fire me.
im 22 years old.
the sup that sexually harasses me is like 40-50 years old, married, and flirts with everyone. my friend there always touches her butt and he says she loves it. but one thing, she's ugly...needs a nose job and to lose some weight off her hips.
i like blowing snot into my hand and then wiping it onto my them a glittering effect.
on another note...i just reached my 6 months of senority. they have me unloading trailors and new people that just started this week doing jobs that i would like to do. i would prefer to do them rather than unloading trailors. my union rep told me to right it down on paper and give it to them, so i did. if someone calls in sick for one day and they replace them with a person that has less senority than me, can i greive it?