trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its most fortunate for democrats that TRUMP is polarizing with the hate mongers of the country.

Its going to be even better to watch you all melt down, when Trump gets blown out on election day, as Ted Cruz predicts, Marco Rubio predicts, the RNC predicts, all the conservative pundits predict and the rest of normal thinking America predicts.

Really, for the GOP, there couldnt be a worse candidate for the White House than Donald Trump, but heck, the party is in a shambles right now, and HATE is all they got to sell, so why not go out swinging with it??


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Or the fact that he's the only one running that is saying US plants shutting down and moving to other countries is BAD for America.

Or is someone else talking about that?

The democrats have been saying that for the last 30 years! You just are not listening. Again, if you were paying attention since Ronald Reagan, the exporting of jobs under republican presidents has been astronomical. Under OBAMA, new industrial, commercial and manufacturing jobs have been created here in the united states, but YOU republicans have fought him every inch of the way, preferring your chinese made products.

Blame Reagan.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You think he's going to raise tariffs on the products that uses to build his buildings? You are freaking delusional.;)
He will try to raise tariffs on all products that used to made by American workers.

I have no problem with that.

I actually support that.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Pay attention boys and girls... JOHN OLIVER is going to reduce your candidate to crap in 10 minutes.

I love John Oliver.

A great comedian.

An extreme left wing liberal comedian.

What a shocker, he doesn't like Trump.

He's probably a feeling the Bern kind of Brit.