trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
and when it was all said and done he increased his net worth 10 fold. Imagine if he could increase the net worth of this country ten fold. Ching Ching

You cant INCREASE the net worth of the USA when you plan on INCREASING the spending of the USA TEN FOLD.

Read Trumps spending plan.. It would drive up the national Deficit to well over 25 trillion dollars in ten years.

Try understanding how government works bro.



Well-Known Member
and when it was all said and done he increased his net worth 10 fold. Imagine if he could increase the net worth of this country ten fold. Ching Ching

Trumps' successes were all in the eighties/nineties.

He hasn't had business success in a long time - most of what he's touched in the last two decades hasn't worked out all that great.

If you believe that a businessman would make a great President (dubious on its face), you wouldn't pick Trump.


Well-Known Member
I run a small business. We do not vote on decisions. Ever. What I say is final...unless I change my mind.

Trump has no idea how to take "no" for an answer from people he can't inform, "You're fired!"

this government needs someone that is a strong leader , the last guy is and was a sissy.


Staff member
this government needs someone that is a strong leader , the last guy is and was a sissy.
Oh lord! Not another, "Let's go flex our big capitalist penis at the world and cover them with the seed of democracy!"

That never turns out well.


Strength through joy
If he is going to flee , he better flee quick. Obama and congress signed a new law that allows the govt to confiscate the passports of people who owe the Feds over 50 grand in back taxes.

Sharpton owes, personally, over 2 mil in back federal taxes.

Looks like Sharpie Sharpton started his own personal reparations program.
I'm sure Rev. Al has plenty of passports to choose from .

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
One of the few reasons I'd like to see a Trump victory is that it punishes the Washington establishment.

I much prefer that be done by Cruz though. They hate him perhaps as much but at least Cruz is principaled. Trump lives by Trump principles, which is to say whatever it takes to accomplish his personal goals.