trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Government, especially, in a democracy, is not a business.

Government is whom he had to deal with quite frequently in order to be successful. Organizationally his experience at the head of a billion dollar business would be close to that of a state governor. you figure his international reach would allow him to meet with state leaders quite frequently. Its experience you can not totally discount.


Staff member
Government is whom he had to deal with quite frequently in order to be successful. Organizationally his experience at the head of a billion dollar business would be close to that of a state governor. you figure his international reach would allow him to meet with state leaders quite frequently. Its experience you can not totally discount.
It's exactly that experience that makes him a wonderful dictator and a terrible presidential prospect.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Romney comes out swinging that there's a 'bombshell' in Trumps' taxes (even though that was partially how he himself got Borked by the Dems).

The GOP is having a stroke if they think Romney will make any kind of difference.

The 'Establishment' are beside themselves!


Well-Known Member
Trump stressed as he has in the past that he pays "as little as possible because it's an expense and it's not one I'm happy paying because frankly the United States government wastes a lot of money."

And he wins again - this is the best sort of political theater - Trump, off the top rope!


Well-Known Member
Eggsactly. So why send a goose to the duck's nest?

"I love the poorly educated!"

again you're reaching. Trump does not have government experience but he does have experience that is very comparable. he's not a carson by any means.
you could easily make the argument that he has more executive experience and more experience dealing with world leaders then Obama ever had.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
wow the bush's were business men with no government experience? truman and carter too? This article is a desperate reach to make your point.

Trump, just like BUSH Jr, has had his businesses file for bankruptcy protection 3 times. All the businesses BUSH jr had control of went into bankruptcy protection and when he became president, he took the United States right down the schitter with his business experience.

Trump will do to America what EVERY republican does to the country.

He will run it into bankruptcy, spend more than he collects and leaves the country in a spiraling mess that will last for decades.

He has NO IDEA what he is saying, how he is going to do anything he is proposing and the best way to describe the content of Trumps words to his followers can be explained in two words..




Staff member
wow the bush's were business men with no government experience? truman and carter too? This article is a desperate reach to make your point.
I run a small business. We do not vote on decisions. Ever. What I say is final...unless I change my mind.

Trump has no idea how to take "no" for an answer from people he can't inform, "You're fired!"


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I run a small business. We do not vote on decisions. Ever. What I say is final...unless I change my mind.

Trump has no idea how to take "no" for an answer from people he can't inform, "You're fired!"
So Trump doesn't know how to negotiate?

Trump doesn't know how to make a deal?

What was the name of his book again?