trump 2016


Well-Known Member
with the increased interest in many americans immigrating to canada with the idea of a trump in office, i think it would be good for them.

they can try out our healthcare system and they can go back and give good reviews to their friends compared to the current dismal american healthcare system.

not saying its perfect...but try it, you might like it

and its too bad its americans immigrating here and not europeans. im under the impression americans have low expectations.
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Well-Known Member
No questions at all.

Trump hasn't really had success in business since the nineties. Almost everything he's attempted in the 2000's has failed.

The only person who thinks Trump is worth $10 billion is Trump - probably closer to $4 billion.

seriously is this like an aging athlete argument or something? Oh gee trump only has 4 billion because that's what you think he has. Please why do you waste your time making such a lame argument. is it that important to you and the other yahoo?

I cant argue with you if you want to see the guy has ego issues. but don't chase this stupid crap to try to salvage some type of moral victory.


Well-Known Member
seriously is this like an aging athlete argument or something? Oh gee trump only has 4 billion because that's what you think he has. Please why do you waste your time making such a lame argument. is it that important to you and the other yahoo?

I cant argue with you if you want to see the guy has ego issues. but don't chase this stupid crap to try to salvage some type of moral victory.

It's only relevant if you're putting up his business success as a measure of his potential worthiness as a Presidential contender.

You say he is worthy, because he's worth $10 billion and is crazy successful.

I say, no, he's not worth $10 billion, and he's not as successful as he says he is.

Simple as that.

Of course he's a successful person, no one disputes that, but he has a pattern of over-inflating and engaging in hyperbole, so to me that makes him untrustworthy.



Well-Known Member
Understanding that elections as H.L. Mencken once said, "Every election is sort of an advanced auction sale of stolen goods", no candidate serves any true and noble purpose at the end of any day. That said however, there are unintended consequences that can be of benefit and in this case the kudos go too Donald Trump. Trump it seems is doing what nobody else has been able to do no matter how hard they tried and that is to force the neo-cons out of the closet into the light of day so everyone can see their true colors. Today, as hard as it is to say, Trump gets my hero award but it comes with caveat. As the Roman slave stood behind the parading Roman Conqueror on his chariot holding his golden crown to cheers of glory from the masses also came a whispered warning from the lips of the slave, "all glory is fleeting!"

Kristol Lays Out Strategy To Give WH To Hillary


Well-Known Member
This is the Republican establishment doing what it has learned to do best. Snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory. Romney is a loser, and if he didn't want Trump to be running and winning like he is right now maybe he should have tried harder to win in 2012. The establishment is about to wheel out McLame to make a similar speech and I say the same holds true for him. In the years I have been able to vote I will say I never did like McLame or Romney, but I disliked Obama more. Back in 1996 I recall my parents not liking Bob Dole, but they were against Clinton more. I can honestly say I believe Trump can Make America Great Again. I will be proud to see him become President just as much as I would like to see Ted Cruz get inaugurated in January 2017. We finally have a field of good, strong, capable Presidential candidates and the power brokers at the top of the Republican party are not really scared of what these men would do to the country as President as much as they are afraid of what will happen to their power should Trump or Cruz become President. That is what this is really about.


Well-Known Member
This is the Republican establishment doing what it has learned to do best. Snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory. Romney is a loser, and if he didn't want Trump to be running and winning like he is right now maybe he should have tried harder to win in 2012. The establishment is about to wheel out McLame to make a similar speech and I say the same holds true for him. In the years I have been able to vote I will say I never did like McLame or Romney, but I disliked Obama more. Back in 1996 I recall my parents not liking Bob Dole, but they were against Clinton more. I can honestly say I believe Trump can Make America Great Again. I will be proud to see him become President just as much as I would like to see Ted Cruz get inaugurated in January 2017. We finally have a field of good, strong, capable Presidential candidates and the power brokers at the top of the Republican party are not really scared of what these men would do to the country as President as much as they are afraid of what will happen to their power should Trump or Cruz become President. That is what this is really about.

panic in the republican old guard establishment


Well-Known Member
I think they dragged Chumney out because he's got nothing to lose by going all-out against Trump.

He's able to say, without reservation or worry of reprisal exactly what the RNC and the other candidates think about Trump.

The more I think about it, the more I think it will backfire. I'm sure this was timed to set the stage for tonight's debate, but honestly, who cares what Chumney thinks?

If anything, the RNC has telescoped their kung-fu, and Trump just may pull an Aikido move, performing in the debate like a real live, rational person.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
The republican establishment is coming together to destroy the phoney, that is Donald Trump. Its too bad the GOP voters dont have the intelligence to listen to any of them.

Mitt Romney destroys Donald Trump in a press conference. The best part of his speech???


Gee, will you listen?

Oh, cut Willard some slack. For the first time in years, he said something that was true....

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Tonights Debate exposed TRUMP as a "LOSER" a "LIAR" and a "BUFFOON"...

All he has to offer are Insults and antics.

An empty suit with a lot of money.
