trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What was Carters mess? Carter left 253 billion dollars in debt when he walked out of office and Reagan left over 3.7 TRILLION dollars.

Reagan helped to cause the savings and loan meltdown and the stock market collapse, How did that help America??

Reagan TRIPLED the size of government employees and at his worst, saw unemployment hit a RECORD 10.7 % by the end of his second year in office after tax cuts for the rich.

I am not sure what YOU think Reagan FIXED.

Not true.

Carter racked up $26.2 billion in debt in 4 years.

Reagan racked up $40.9 billion in debt in 8 years.

Reagan added less debt per year than Carter.

So where did you get your numbers from?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Inside the mind of a tRump supporter


Well-Known Member
That is pretty funny. People made that parallel early after Trump announced.

Marty would be screaming louder though if that was Hillary or Bernie.

he could however jump back in the delorean and escape that nightmare. the rest of us would be screwed.
the nice thing about the liberal is they seem to be too stupid to realize how screwed up things are. Ignorance is truly bliss.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
I think as long as voters realize that Trump believes in Trump and Trump alone, they'll be fine.

Romney's tantrum only reinforced Trump supporters, a lot of whom have openly stated that they know exactly who he is (not conservative, shifts on the issues, will do or say whatever to get elected).

But, they don't care.

Trump supporters want someone who will blow up the 'establishment', no matter the cost or ramifications.

I imagine Trump supporters won't mind at all when he pirouettes like a ballet dancer in the general election, because it's not facts or policies that are driving his support.

We might be witnessing the destruction of the 'Republican Party' as we know it.

For decades, the GOP has trotted out issues like abortion and guns to mobilize their base, and the base is finally realizing they're getting nothing out of it. On balance, aside from the seriously outlandish statements Trump makes (global warming is a Chinese plot, birther-ism, Mexican-rapists) most of what Trump is saying is correct, i.e.:

Politicians are bought and sold (elections aren't an exercise in Democracy, they're an auction).

Free trade is a scam that hurts American workers and only benefits corporations.

The tax system is FUBAR.


It's very difficult to say he's wrong about these things - in fact, he's correct.

He's wrong about a lot of things, but those things don't matter much, in terms of this election cycle.

The GOP is reaping exactly what they've sown for all these years, and now they're losing their minds.

Very interesting election cycle!
I think as long as voters realize that Trump believes in Trump and Trump alone, they'll be fine.

Romney's tantrum only reinforced Trump supporters, a lot of whom have openly stated that they know exactly who he is (not conservative, shifts on the issues, will do or say whatever to get elected).

But, they don't care.

Trump supporters want someone who will blow up the 'establishment', no matter the cost or ramifications.

I imagine Trump supporters won't mind at all when he pirouettes like a ballet dancer in the general election, because it's not facts or policies that are driving his support.

We might be witnessing the destruction of the 'Republican Party' as we know it.

For decades, the GOP has trotted out issues like abortion and guns to mobilize their base, and the base is finally realizing they're getting nothing out of it. On balance, aside from the seriously outlandish statements Trump makes (global warming is a Chinese plot, birther-ism, Mexican-rapists) most of what Trump is saying is correct, i.e.:

Politicians are bought and sold (elections aren't an exercise in Democracy, they're an auction).

Free trade is a scam that hurts American workers and only benefits corporations.

The tax system is FUBAR.


It's very difficult to say he's wrong about these things - in fact, he's correct.

He's wrong about a lot of things, but those things don't matter much, in terms of this election cycle.

The GOP is reaping exactly what they've sown for all these years, and now they're losing their minds.

Very interesting election cycle!
Is their any candidate that you truly want to vote for?


nowhere special
Trump is shaking up things for everyone else. The establishment on both sides are afraid of him and how he is such a wild card. I do get tired of the daily hit pieces on him in an effort to take him down. That tactic probably backfires and strengthens his support with disgruntled voters.