trump 2016

Trump is shaking up things for everyone else. The establishment on both sides are afraid of him and how he is such a wild card. I do get tired of the daily hit pieces on him in an effort to take him down. That tactic probably backfires and strengthens his support with disgruntled voters.
A few years ago we had a congressional election. The incumbent said so many bad things against the challenger and mentioned his name so many times in the mud slinging ads....she didn't win reelection... Lol

Most people don't pay attention to the facts...just name recognition


nowhere special
A few years ago we had a congressional election. The incumbent said so many bad things against the challenger and mentioned his name so many times in the mud slinging ads....she didn't win reelection... Lol

Most people don't pay attention to the facts...just name recognition

Which is where a lot of Hillary's support comes from.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Over 300 million people in this country and these are our choices..
No wonder people don't bother to vote.

But, honestly this has been the case forever.

If nothing else, this election cycle is pulling the curtain aside and showing the reality of our 'election' process.

Both sides are showing their true colors.

It's never been about the voters, it's always been about entrenched power-blocks getting their way.