trump 2016


Inordinately Right

It was the Gateway Pundit that carried a report about the five high-school boys who were “disciplined” after chanting “Donald Trump, build that wall!” at a girls soccer match.

The report said: “The high school girls soccer players from Beloit High School were so traumatized they were not able to finish the game. The girls had to be cradled in the arms of an assistant coach.”

Wrote Jim Hoft at the Pundit, “Wow.”

“In Wisconsin chanting for Trump and border security is considered ‘racist’ by school officials,” he noted.

The report said officials in the Elkhorn, Wisconsin, school district consider such language racist.

The girls’ team coach, Brian Denu, said, “They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game.”

He added: “They were too upset and distraught over what happened to them. One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15-20 minutes.”
Nice spin.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Trump is going to be in my part of the world on Saturday. His campaign is trying to find a venue large enough for the 5,000 expected to attend the rally.

I do hope that our city leaders learn from the mistakes made by the leaders in Burlington (VT), who failed to ask for payment from the campaign up front and are now left holding the bag for money spent on overtime for police and other support personnel. They sent the Trump campaign a bill but to date Trump has not paid it.


Well-Known Member
Are you going ?

It would be an excellent time to film all those nasty racists committing crimes.

Turns out he will be here Friday night rather than Saturday.

I have no plans to go and hope that his motorcade takes the highway between the airport and rally venue. The last thing that I need is to deal with traffic on a Friday.


Well-Known Member

Why, his own children, who were too lazy to register and are now uneligible to vote in the primary for their own father.

What a crock.

His children living a life of priviledge probably thought some servant was suppose to do it for them..

A family of losers.


I just never realized you were so concerned that a couple of republicans were not able to cast their votes in the primaries.

between this and your love of fox news i'm starting to think you really are a closet trump supporter.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I just never realized you were so concerned that a couple of republicans were not able to cast their votes in the primaries.

between this and your love of fox news i'm starting to think you really are a closet trump supporter.
It's more like his idiot Privileged bastard children are as stupid as he is.This is just one more indication that the Drump clan never thought this whole gig would ever go this far.


Well-Known Member
Trump was in Dave's neck of the woods at 4:00 today. (Platts....)

He was supposed to take the stage at 3 but was a little late.

For the most part it was a peaceful rally. One protester, a local high school student, was arrested after he refused to comply with an officer's instructions to move back. He had been featured in the local paper the day before for his plans to hold a peaceful protest promoting love, not hate.

Thankfully the rally was held at an arena just outside of town so I was not impacted by any traffic delays.


Engorged Member
Are you going ?

It would be an excellent time to film all those nasty racists committing crimes.
It's more like his idiot Privileged bastard children are as stupid as he is.This is just one more indication that the Drump clan never thought this whole gig would ever go this far.

The Donald is now whining that the GOP Convention rules are unfair, just like he wails and cries whenever anything doesn't go his way. I'm still hoping he runs as an Independent and totally screws over the GOP.

Anyone who supports Trump is stupid.


Engorged Member
Supporting any of these idiots is counterproductive, but it's fun to watch the maelstrom.

I'm not happy with what I have to choose from either, but the Republicans are just laughable. I can hardly wait until The Donald breaks away when they choose someone else at a brokered convention. It's like they are handing the election to Clinton on a silver platter.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He was supposed to take the stage at 3 but was a little late.

For the most part it was a peaceful rally. One protester, a local high school student, was arrested after he refused to comply with an officer's instructions to move back. He had been featured in the local paper the day before for his plans to hold a peaceful protest promoting love, not hate.

Thankfully the rally was held at an arena just outside of town so I was not impacted by any traffic delays.
Too bad that HS protestor doesn't understand what peaceful protesting, or the rule of law is.