trump 2016


Inordinately Right
I like how Trump speaks and then the POTUS has to reply to him.
I like how he has nothing to lose and talked some smack about the idiot on national television.
Don't like either one of them but I definitely enjoyed that little bit of entertainment.
This show is only going to get better. I hope it gets 6 seasons and a spin off.


Staff member
For the Trump supporters

If the Republican leadership decide to "dump Trump" by changing the rules, would you support the nominee they put in his place to keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
For the Trump supporters

If the Republican leadership decide to "dump Trump" by changing the rules, would you support the nominee they put in his place to keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse?
The Republican leadership better back Trump or its the end of them.

Trump is the most popular Republican Presidential nominee ever.

If they pulled that garbage, they would suddenly find themselves out of office.

And they know this.

So it ain't going to happen.


Staff member
The Republican leadership better back Trump or its the end of them.

Trump is the most popular Republican Presidential nominee ever.

If they pulled that garbage, they would suddenly find themselves out of office.

And they know this.

So it ain't going to happen.
very likely they think supporting Trump will be the end of them.


Inordinately Right
Trump is the most popular Republican Presidential nominee ever.
Last edited:


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
very likely they think supporting Trump will be the end of them.
This shows you how bad their thinking has become.

Time to go get a private sector job, because Trump's supporters won't forget this.

And who are a majority of Trump's supporters?

Republicans and Independents.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's looking like they are an increasingly small number of dead-enders.
The election is not today.

They haven't even debated yet nor have had their conventions yet.

Reagan was down more to Carter at this stage of their race, and look how that turned out.

Besides, the polls have been so bad lately.

They got states wrong on who would win them.

The pollsters say it is because they call land lines and an increasing amount of people don't have land lines and those who do, don't always answer.

So your polls are skewed toward the Democrats.


Strength through joy
With all the info from Hillary's and the DNC's hacked servers being released , it more likely that the D's will need another nominee to just stay in business .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Poor Drumpf...

Starting to show how weak he is as a general election candidate. No more beating up on weak GOP dummies. His soundbites and speeches of bullcrap starting to take their toll on his nonsense.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A second republican governor has come out and stated he WILL NOT VOTE FOR DONALD DRUMPF. Larry Hogan, Governor of Maryland wont vote for Drumpf in november, and although he doesnt know who he will vote for, one thing is certain, Drumpf doesnt have his support.

Its pretty clear that DRUMPF is not going to have unity within the republican party, and its also pretty clear that only having the lowest common denominator of people wont be enough to win the white house.

Lowest common denominator.

Watch you all identify yourselves.

GOP Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan won't vote for Donald Trump -
