trump 2016


Well-Known Member
The Brexit is informative.

A distancing from world powers and a retreat from 'globalization'.

There are many many problems with globalization.

And, there are problems with becoming a 'federalist'-style grouping of states.

But, don't throw the baby out with the bath-water.


Well-Known Member
Decades from now citizens of earth will curse the name of David Cameron, who, in his own hubris and narcissism, brought the entire world geopolitical and economic structures to their knees.
You were the one that posted the 'feel the johnson' pic, correct?

We all have a choice.
No, you didn't.

Under Obama, things have actually gone fairly well.

The parts you don't like were the exact parts that would have happened in either case.

Imagine that Mitt Chumney had become President.

You'd be complaining about him instead of Obama.

B. Sanders has a point.
I missed the part of stopping illegal immigration

Didn't Obama grant immunity to his illegal aunt , as soon as he got in office?


Well-Known Member
I missed the part of stopping illegal immigration

Didn't Obama grant immunity to his illegal aunt , as soon as he got in office?

I missed the part where immigration (legal or otherwise) is actually the problem you think it is...many economists, on both sides of the 'aisle', so to speak, think that it would be an absolute disaster to try and get rid of these 'illegals'.

Aside from the cold reality of the HARD CASH it would take for us to 'deport' these folks, if they were actually deported with no issues, our economy would take a nose-dive.

You mean well, I mean well, we both work for UPS, which is why we're both here.

I assume we're both rational people, it's just that we look at the same data and come to different conclusions.

It happens.

Watch the aftermath in the EU...get back to me if you still want TRUMPASAURUS-REX.
I missed the part where immigration (legal or otherwise) is actually the problem you think it is...many economists, on both sides of the 'aisle', so to speak, think that it would be an absolute disaster to try and get rid of these 'illegals'.

Aside from the cold reality of the HARD CASH it would take for us to 'deport' these folks, if they were actually deported with no issues, our economy would take a nose-dive.

You mean well, I mean well, we both work for UPS, which is why we're both here.

I assume we're both rational people, it's just that we look at the same data and come to different conclusions.

It happens.

Watch the aftermath in the EU...get back to me if you still want TRUMPASAURUS-REX.
If you lived in border state,you might have a different opinion.


Staff member
Can you show me factual data from Trump's statements about immigrant, legal or illegal? Like the percentage of them who are murderers and rapists? I'd like to know how calling Trump a racist is "playing the race card" but first I need a strong set of facts to back up his claims. He certainly doesn't put them out there.

I admit, he has tapped into a feeling, says "what a lot of others are thinking". But mass belief doesn't create truth. Trump and his ilk are disposing with political correctness and factual correctness.