trump 2016


Well-Known Member
"Your definition" means nothing. The rest of the world has defined slavery otherwise.
being a conservative, whats your interpretation of the constitution:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States


Well-Known Member
forget about the prison example. i think you get the point that there are private slavery, and government controlled slavery.

regardless of which direction you wish to tack in , the question still remains the same. Which government enterprise is our government profiting from.

we are 19 trillion dollars in debt. the government does not engage in any form of free enterprise and certainly is not running a profit in whatever endeavor you choose to illustrate your point in.


nowhere special
being a conservative, whats your interpretation of the constitution:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States

involuntary servitude is exactly what occurs because it is as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.

Due process is followed as well as their Constitutional rights. They are convicted criminals in prison because of their own actions.


Well-Known Member
regardless of which direction you wish to tack in , the question still remains the same. Which government enterprise is our government profiting from.

we are 19 trillion dollars in debt. the government does not engage in any form of free enterprise and certainly is not running a profit in whatever endeavor you choose to illustrate your point in.
it doesnt have to profit. private capitalism doesnt have to profit to be described as private capitalism.

but really any business the government owns and runs could be called state capitalism.

you tell me what would your definition of state capitalism is? or maybe it doesnt exist, and you would call it socialism.

1 point would be that these definitions have been badly distorted over time.


Well-Known Member
Islam is not just a religion.

It is a political play book on how to run the government and every aspect of your personal life.

And since so many Islamists seem to be wanting to kill Americans, I say ban them from entering our country.

After all, they need us more than we need them.
It's alright brother, we ALL know there will be a republican president next election, there's just ALOT of people in denial. Living off the fruits of others. That crap comes to an end. At least for 8 more years!


Inordinately Right
It's alright brother, we ALL know there will be a republican president next election, there's just ALOT of people in denial. Living off the fruits of others. That crap comes to an end. At least for 8 more years!
Are you really so delusional that you think systematic multi-generational dependency on government will all the sudden come to an end if a republican is elected? Republicans have had plenty of chances to end the things you're whining about, they haven't. It's just rhetoric. If you're serious about ending it you shouldn't be voting for republicans.


Well-Known Member
Are you really so delusional that you think systematic multi-generational dependency on government will all the sudden come to an end if a republican is elected? Republicans have had plenty of chances to end the things you're whining about, they haven't. It's just rhetoric. If you're serious about ending it you shouldn't be voting for republicans.
Blah, blah. Whatever


Well-Known Member
it doesnt have to profit. private capitalism doesnt have to profit to be described as private capitalism.

ricky you really need to revisit the definition of capitalism:

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.


Well-Known Member
ricky you really need to revisit the definition of capitalism:

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

ok. it doesnt say profit in there.


Bad Moon Risen'
regardless of which direction you wish to tack in , the question still remains the same. Which government enterprise is our government profiting from.

we are 19 trillion dollars in debt. the government does not engage in any form of free enterprise and certainly is not running a profit in whatever endeavor you choose to illustrate your point in.
Government profits from Stafford Loans.


Well-Known Member
in some ways i dont think trump understands when he says mexico and china are killing us at trade.

mexico and china have cheap labor. capitalism likes cheap labor instead of relative expensive labor of america.

real wages have risen in america to the point that an autoworker who earns $30 in america, would only earn $5 in mexico.

so i mean yes he can fix the bad trade deals, and yes it will be good for american workers, but i am skeptical that he could stop the decline in wages and standard of living caused by the globalization i have described above. at best he may temporarily rise the standard of living, but when he leaves office the decay returns.

hes also probably going to have a financial crisis on his hands if it doesnt happen in 2016. and the establishment media will use that against him


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Are you really so delusional that you think systematic multi-generational dependency on government will all the sudden come to an end if a republican is elected? Republicans have had plenty of chances to end the things you're whining about, they haven't. It's just rhetoric. If you're serious about ending it you shouldn't be voting for republicans.

It's time the life long leeches get a job.