trump 2016


Well-Known Member

Pretty early on actually. Just 2 examples, May 2009, "Buying Brand Obama" and Aug. 2008', "Curb Your Enthusiasm for Obama".

Hedges conclusions of what should be done you may not agree, some I don't agree with either but Chris does offer a critique that shows Obama is not what he portrayed himself to be and that turned out to be fairly true. But in defense of Obama, I find that to be fairly true of every person who runs for President. Thus the argument that something or someone else owns that office and dictates terms to anyone who enters it because what the candidate said as a candidate and what the elected President do are often very different from one another.

You asked the question earlier regarding Hedges of "how do you predict something that has already happened many times throughout history." You answered the question in pointing out things happen many times in history or stated another way, History repeats itself. The great sages and prophets who lived all through man's history never had some magical power, they often just knew history and the psychology of man as being predictive. The key point for the prophet or sage is to get the masses to believe a certain way and then the outcome is assured. Politics and religion are good historical examples of this mastery.

You should read some modern day sorcerers like Ivy Lee and Eddie Bernays along with Walter Lippmann who knew how to manipulate the masses. Bernays even went so far as to put the truth in the public's face, yet we still refuse to admit it to ourselves. Quoting Bernays from his 1928' magnum opus "Propaganda", he stated:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

And another that is equally insightful:

Men (people) are rarely aware of the real reasons which motivate their actions.

Understanding some of this makes it a bit easier to so call, "predict outcomes" so to speak but then it also makes it so easy to see the men and women who jockey for the highest political offices as mostly empty suits and sock puppets while the masses clamor to them to lead them out of the wilderness and into the promised land.

Question: Whose promised land are we clamoring for and why are we clamoring for it?

“Habit is thus the enormous flywheel of society, its most precious conservative agent. It alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance, and saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor.”
―William James


Well-Known Member
Pretty early on actually. Just 2 examples, May 2009, "Buying Brand Obama" and Aug. 2008', "Curb Your Enthusiasm for Obama".

Hedges conclusions of what should be done you may not agree, some I don't agree with either but Chris does offer a critique that shows Obama is not what he portrayed himself to be and that turned out to be fairly true. But in defense of Obama, I find that to be fairly true of every person who runs for President. Thus the argument that something or someone else owns that office and dictates terms to anyone who enters it because what the candidate said as a candidate and what the elected President do are often very different from one another.

You asked the question earlier regarding Hedges of "how do you predict something that has already happened many times throughout history." You answered the question in pointing out things happen many times in history or stated another way, History repeats itself. The great sages and prophets who lived all through man's history never had some magical power, they often just knew history and the psychology of man as being predictive. The key point for the prophet or sage is to get the masses to believe a certain way and then the outcome is assured. Politics and religion are good historical examples of this mastery.

You should read some modern day sorcerers like Ivy Lee and Eddie Bernays along with Walter Lippmann who knew how to manipulate the masses. Bernays even went so far as to put the truth in the public's face, yet we still refuse to admit it to ourselves. Quoting Bernays from his 1928' magnum opus "Propaganda", he stated:

And another that is equally insightful:

Understanding some of this makes it a bit easier to so call, "predict outcomes" so to speak but then it also makes it so easy to see the men and women who jockey for the highest political offices as mostly empty suits and sock puppets while the masses clamor to them to lead them out of the wilderness and into the promised land.

Question: Whose promised land are we clamoring for and why are we clamoring for it?

I don't necessarily disagree with the point. I just enjoy watching Ricky express "his" opinion through someone else's opinion.


Well-Known Member
I don't necessarily disagree with the point. I just enjoy watching Ricky express "his" opinion through someone else's opinion.
Sometimes others with a gift for 'wordsmithing' can express one's thoughts more concisely and more eloquently than one can themselves.

What was your name when you were in the queue?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Matt Drudge might elect Donald Trump: The GOP front-runner’s secret weapon is the conservative media icon

Drudge, Trump agree on immigration and a distaste for Hillary Clinton. Together they might defeat GOP establishment

If you want to understand the Trump phenomenon and the durability of his campaign, you have to understand his voters and how they get their information. Many on the left mistakenly think that Trump supporters are “low-information voters.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, it’s the opposite. They consume a lot of news and information, and almost all of it comes from their most trusted source — Matt Drudge.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member



Well-Known Member
So you think Obama was a corporate president? Or he thinks it for you?
i listen to many people, but chris hedges is one of my favorites. my fav is the matrix trilogy. i probably youtube his speeches too much. i dont claim to be, and never will be as smart as alot of the guys i listen to....but im smarter than you are lol.

i follow 800+ different people on twitter, so i get a variety of perspectives.


Well-Known Member
i listen to many people, but chris hedges is one of my favorites. my fav is the matrix trilogy. i probably youtube his speeches too much. i dont claim to be, and never will be as smart as alot of the guys i listen to....but im smarter than you are lol.

i follow 800+ different people on twitter, so i get a variety of perspectives.

how you filter the 800 is the question, your rants tend to be a pessimistic condemnation of the world. I recognize that there are few that can be trusted but I try to stay out of that area of depression you preach from.


Well-Known Member
how you filter the 800 is the question, your rants tend to be a pessimistic condemnation of the world. I recognize that there are few that can be trusted but I try to stay out of that area of depression you preach from.
ignorance is bliss....or it can be anyways.

i call it like i see it. not afraid of a little negativity like most people my age are.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The 'media' has made Trump, and marginalized Sanders.

FWIW, Trump trademarked 'Make America Great Again' in November 2012.
Sanders marginalized Sanders.

How much support do you think a socialist/communist can get in the land of the free.

Snoop dog said it best in his backing of Trump, you don't want someone who wants to take 80% of your Benjamins, referring to Sanders.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
A female lib I know won't vote for Trump because of his hair .
That's just about how smart the average liberal is.

Probably would vote for Bill, if he was able to run again.

And would probably be willing to perform Monica's job for him also.