trump 2016


Staff member
Are you dodging the fact that you put false words in another's mouth?

Because I have no clue to what era Trump is referring to.

But anytime, would be a better time than the Obama era.
I didn't put any words in his mouth. I simply pointed out the facts.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I didn't put any words in his mouth. I simply pointed out the facts.
Trump never said that Making America Great Again referred to the era of the '50s and '60s.

You did while attributing it to him.



Well-Known Member
the fact that donald trump wants to ban muslims from entering america until they can "figure out whats going on" should tell you that he doesnt really have the expertise to be president. its not rocket science at all why people around the world want to cause chaos in america.

ralph nader has mentioned that trumps response often is "ill get back to you on that, or were working on it" and hes not qualified to be prez.

but i suppose hes better than the other guys except maybe rand paul.

im not sure one person can break down the military industrial complex which is half of the governments budget every year. if it is possible, its unlikely. what you really need is a social movement.


Staff member
Trump never said that Making America Great Again referred to the era of the '50s and '60s.

You did while attributing it to him.

Would you say the 80's and 90's are what he's shooting for? If so, those years were great for those at the top and the rest got screwed...much like the 2000s.

So if Trump is talking about Making America Great Again to millions of middle class Americans, I have to assume it was back when middle class jobs paid well and were abundant. But maybe I'm wrong...

...maybe you'll enlighten me of better years for the middle class that I'm forgetting about.

Or maybe it's all just a shtick to get elected.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Would you say the 80's and 90's are what he's shooting for? If so, those years were great for those at the top and the rest got screwed...much like the 2000s.

So if Trump is talking about Making America Great Again to millions of middle class Americans, I have to assume it was back when middle class jobs paid well and were abundant. But maybe I'm wrong...

...maybe you'll enlighten me of better years for the middle class that I'm forgetting about.

Or maybe it's all just a shtick to get elected.
Say whatever you have to say to let yourself feel better about your hatred of the Donald.

It just sounds like excuses to me.


Staff member
Maybe that's the genius of Trump. He's vague and let's people fill on the blanks with their own fantasies of what it means to Make America Great Again.

Or let the imagine Mexico would "pay for the wall" because why? Or Trump would cut off all trade with them? Impose other economic sanctions? Really?

Or a moratorium on Muslims? How is that imposed and how is it even legal? No matter as long as the American voter can dream it, Trump's willing to sell it.


Staff member
Say whatever you have to say to let yourself feel better about your hatred of the Donald.

It just sounds like excuses to me.
Simply answer the question.

What does it mean to "Make America Great Again"?

When was the last time America was great?

Why do you resist such simple questions? I think it's just because you want an "R" to win. You don't really know or care what he's about. He just seems to have the best chance of beating Hillary.

And if that's the case, so be it. That's politics. But "The Donald" is not "one of us" and hes not "telling us how it is".


Strength through joy
Trump who has built and watched his businesses either succeed or fail is not qualified to be POTUS .
But a first year US Senator who never ran a lemonade stand and always voted present was .
What this government needs for POTUS is some one who knows how to fail and learned from those mistakes . Not some one who cries on national TV and only further shows that he is totally detached from reality .


Well-Known Member
Trump who has built and watched his businesses either succeed or fail is not qualified to be POTUS .
But a first year US Senator who never ran a lemonade stand and always voted present was .
What this government needs for POTUS is some one who knows how to fail and learned from those mistakes . Not some one who cries on national TV and only further shows that he is totally detached from reality .

Trump would be the ideal candidate for Business Czar------not POTUS.


Strength through joy
Trump would be the ideal candidate for Business Czar------not POTUS.
What are the requirements to be POTUS ?
Today we have a woman who has known mental health problems ,( couldn't recall facts after failing & striking her head ), a man who is very old with white hair , some guy nobody actually knows , a person with dual citizenship , a former doctor , more guys that nobody knows and someone who is drawing huge crowds everywhere he goes .
I recall back in 2007 there was this guy who also had huge crowds where ever he went . What ever happened to him ?


Engorged Member
Would you say the 80's and 90's are what he's shooting for? If so, those years were great for those at the top and the rest got screwed...much like the 2000s.

So if Trump is talking about Making America Great Again to millions of middle class Americans, I have to assume it was back when middle class jobs paid well and were abundant. But maybe I'm wrong...

...maybe you'll enlighten me of better years for the middle class that I'm forgetting about.

Or maybe it's all just a shtick to get elected.

America was great before all those pesky coloreds, Mooslims, and Mexicans started causing trouble, which is red meat to The Donald's in-bred supporters. Trump is a word that sounds a lot like schtick.


Strength through joy
America was great before all those pesky coloreds, Mooslims, and Mexicans started causing trouble, which is red meat to The Donald's in-bred supporters. Trump is a word that sounds a lot like schtick.
I see you are following the dem's talking points to the letter .
Insult , insult and more insults .
You add nothing to the discussion other than your lack of any actual knowledge .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
America was great before all those pesky coloreds, Mooslims, and Mexicans started causing trouble, which is red meat to The Donald's in-bred supporters. Trump is a word that sounds a lot like schtick.
Or maybe America was great when the Democratic South still owned slaves.

Remember those days?


Well-Known Member
America was great before all those pesky coloreds, Mooslims, and Mexicans started causing trouble, which is red meat to The Donald's in-bred supporters. Trump is a word that sounds a lot like schtick.

I suppose inbreeding would be an improvement for Hillary.