trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
i figured you guys would but i guess not. on the search results i think it said one of his representatives said it.
Funny how you made the accusation flat out like it was the absolute truth.

Then you post a video claiming at a certain time on that video, he said it.

Then when it was pointed out that he never said that, or anything like that on the video, you claim he said something close to what you accused him of.

Then when it was proven that he said nothing similar to what you said he said on that video, you now claim that YOU THINK ONE OF HIS REPRESENTATIVES SAID IT.

And you wonder why I call you a TROLL.


Well-Known Member
Funny how you made the accusation flat out like it was the absolute truth.

Then you post a video claiming at a certain time on that video, he said it.

Then when it was pointed out that he never said that, or anything like that on the video, you claim he said something close to what you accused him of.

Then when it was proven that he said nothing similar to what you said he said on that video, you now claim that YOU THINK ONE OF HIS REPRESENTATIVES SAID IT.

And you wonder why I call you a TROLL.
you can call me whatever you want or make what you want about what trump did or did not say. but many of hte so called conservatives on this board spend more time trolling then they do raising the big questions. like the pot calling the kettle black. making fun of people is all over the forum, i noticed it right away when i started. bunch of tough guys hiding behind the computer screen.

even if trump does get elected, the country's gonna continue to go down the :censored2:hole.

until you stop putting your faith in people to save you, and start putting more emphasis on putting in work (protests, organizing) to save yourselves, the decay will continue

i mean really you need to put your faith in "rise up 2016" or "revolution 2016", not this or that corrupt candidate
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
you can call me whatever you want or make what you want about what trump did or did not say. but many of hte so called conservatives on this board spend more time trolling then they do raising the big questions. like the pot calling the kettle black. making fun of people is all over the forum, i noticed it right away when i started. bunch of tough guys hiding behind the computer screen.

even if trump does get elected, the country's gonna continue to go down the :censored2:hole.

until you stop putting your faith in people to save you, and start putting more emphasis on putting in work (protests, organizing) to save yourselves, the decay will continue

i mean really you need to put your faith in "rise up 2016" or "revolution 2016", not this or that corrupt candidate
You remind me of a old saying.

So very young, so very dumb.

Wisdom comes from experience and age.

You are too young to be this fixed on a point of view.


Strength through joy
you can call me whatever you want or make what you want about what trump did or did not say. but many of hte so called conservatives on this board spend more time trolling then they do raising the big questions. like the pot calling the kettle black. making fun of people is all over the forum, i noticed it right away when i started. bunch of tough guys hiding behind the computer screen.

even if trump does get elected, the country's gonna continue to go down the :censored2:hole.

until you stop putting your faith in people to save you, and start putting more emphasis on putting in work (protests, organizing) to save yourselves, the decay will continue

i mean really you need to put your faith in "rise up 2016" or "revolution 2016", not this or that corrupt candidate
Another Community Organizer ?
Praise the Lord , our savior is here .


Staff member


Well-Known Member
you can call me whatever you want or make what you want about what trump did or did not say. but many of hte so called conservatives on this board spend more time trolling then they do raising the big questions. like the pot calling the kettle black. making fun of people is all over the forum, i noticed it right away when i started. bunch of tough guys hiding behind the computer screen.

even if trump does get elected, the country's gonna continue to go down the :censored2:hole.

until you stop putting your faith in people to save you, and start putting more emphasis on putting in work (protests, organizing) to save yourselves, the decay will continue

i mean really you need to put your faith in "rise up 2016" or "revolution 2016", not this or that corrupt candidate

protest what , your liberal type leader is in charge. why would you want me protesting him?


Well-Known Member
Trumps' popularity must be (in part) a reaction to Obamas' Presidency.

I'll admit I'm slightly confused about Trumps' high poll numbers.

He's not really a Conservative, has no interest in limited government, and is basically a opportunistic populist.

Democrats are certainly not innocent in terms of backing leaders who don't serve their interests, but Republicans are taking that to a hyper-level with Trump.

If he wins the nomination, like clockwork, watch Trump pivot like a ballerina to win the general election.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
well as ive said before, religion is twisted the same way so people put all their energy into a savior instead of getting together to save themselves.
Thank god most people don't take any credence into what you say.

If they know anything about you, they know you are an over spoken man-child who can't make it on his own, nor even hold a job.